Those crazy Czechs have done it again

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PGN, Mar 26, 2008.

  1. PGN

    PGN Well-Known Member

    Major milestone completed off of requirements captured from a Cognitive Task Analysis that was used as the foundation for the VTK development: ... &Itemid=73

    Kudos to Merik and the gang in Prague and Austrailia.

    Next stop, integrating language learning. :)
  2. BMoody

    BMoody Well-Known Member

    I remember useing a similar machine at the Ramstein Air Base armory when I was 6. So... back in 1991. They played an interactive video and your guns had real recoil by gas or blanks. It directed the shot with a lazer out of the barrel of a converted weopon. I practed m 16 and .45 1911 on Viet Cong reels and Columbia.

    :0] I guess my childhood wasn't so normal after all. lol
  3. BMoody

    BMoody Well-Known Member

    Ooooooooooo I watched the videos! Technology is sure advancing... got to love Bohemia Interactive!

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