To pronounce or not to pronounce

Discussion in 'Grammar & Pronunciation' started by Calvario, Apr 20, 2007.

  1. Kanadanka

    Kanadanka Well-Known Member

    knight? :lol:
  2. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Maybe he can't spell so good, but you should see him slay a dragon. :lol:
  3. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member

    Is slaying a dragon all that different from butchering the English language? :p (J/K - I had to say it, scrimshaw--no offense). Either way, Sova falls from the sky, lance in heart.
  4. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    That is funny wise owl,
    But what is even funnier is, that believe it or not, english is my first language. Night, knight.....starting to type like I hear things.
    Be careful of those wayward lances.

    I might butcher the english language, but I reeeaaallly butcher Czech. :lol:
  5. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member

    Hey, it's okay. I do it, too. My Ukrainian officemate often asks me questions about English, and often I'm at a loss to explain to him what is correct grammar and/or why. ... and your Czech is great, by the way!
  6. Kanadanka

    Kanadanka Well-Known Member

    I am pretty consistent in butchering Czech, though it's my first language. I seem to have developed the habit of 'translating from English into Czech', resulting with 'novel vocabulary' such as "zelnik" for sklenik, (greenhouse), or just remembering 'vaguely' how something sounded, such as stekatko for stenatko (puppy); zebrik for zebro (rib), etc.
    My mom just laughs at it when I talk to her on the phone. She is similarly inventive with her English :D
  7. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member

    For me it's worse, since I speak Russian, Spanish, and Slovak as well. So imagine coming up with a word that's Spanish in root, with a Slovak declension, and a Russian accent, spoken in a Czech sentence. That's the current state of my Czech language. :lol:
  8. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Děkuji za poklona modré sovo.
    If I were to be so bold as to grade myself, I would say, written Czech 6, spoken Czech 2 maybe 3.
    Trying to do direct translations I've found sounds pretty awkward.
    The zelník....skleník mistake Kanadanka sounds perfectly reasonable and one I would surely make too.
    I guess they base the word on sklo rather than zelený.
    Ležeme k nebi na žebřík. A kdy jsem s zebříku spadl potom mě bolil žebro(nebo zebrik) :lol:
  9. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

    No escape from corrections, Davide 8) 8)
  10. doman

    doman Well-Known Member

    :lol: Ding! Ding! Ding!

    An owlet's singing !
    Four states people're understanding...
    Oh! He's the King :lol:
  11. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member

    Well, maybe those who speak all four of those languages would understand what I'm trying to say. So I guess for those few, I am their King. :)

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