Useful english words that are missing in the Czech language?

Discussion in 'General Language' started by ta, Jul 14, 2009.

  1. Eleshar

    Eleshar Well-Known Member

    1 - the hyperlink is called "odkaz" in Czech and is masculine

    2 - beware... záhada = mystery; zahrada = garden :wink:
    Still, I understood, but it was not clear what great mystery you had in mind

    3 - as I have already mentioned with groups like police, the same principle applies to numbers higher than "čtyři"... it is "šest vojáků" in nominative and "šest" is considered somehow singular neuter, so the following verb has to be in singular (and neuter, if appliable) as well because the grammatical subject is "šest" and not "vojáků", although the real agent (like...semantic subject) are really the soldiers.

    4 - "urna" (urn) is in Czech conception a rather small thing containing the ashes of the deceased (and not really a thing that six men can carry)... so was it really some kind of large ceremonial urn or was it a coffin (rakev, feminine, paradigm "píseň")?

    5 - srp = sickle, scythe = kosa, I think he has a scythe

    6 - famous British author of parodic fantasy series taking place on Discworld

    7 - they are "knights of the round table", thus "rytíři kulatého stolu"
    "kníže" is masculine or neuter but declines as "kuře"

    8 - I think the character is called "Morgana le Fay" which is a traditional character of the arthurian cycle; as far as I remember, she has two possible sources of inspiration. The more likely is the Welsh goddess Modron, who is some kind of mother-goddess or something. The less likely inspiration is Irish goddess Morrígan, who is a goddess of death and winter that apparently is the same domain as slavic Morana. But Irish "Morrígan" means something like "great queen" or "phantom queen" (mor-rígan) whereas slavic Morana is clearly a derivative from the stem "mr-", which has connections to death and dying (latin "mors" - death, vedic "mriyate" - to die, or "mrtyus" - death, and of course Czech "smrt" - death) so there should be no connection between the two deities.
  2. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    I don’t think so, these are different Marian cults, Maria Hilf and Maria Trost respectively. I never heard of Our Lady of Perpertual Hope cult in Czech countries, but I found “svátek Matky Boží Neustávající Pomoci” (June 27) in a Catholic calendar.
  3. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

  4. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Tak kořen mnoha slov, které jadnají s smrt, pocházejí z latinského slova 'mors'. Pokud člověk ví odkud pochází, je to snadnší vědět kam jde.

    John(Jack) Kennedy, zvlolené jako americký prezident v roce tisíc devět šedesát, byl první katolický prezident.
    A to byla veká věc, protože si mnoho lidí myslilo, že se to nestane nikdy.

    V jizních statech Spojeného států, od Virginii, do Georgia a západ do Texasu je skupina statů, které se hromadě nazývají jako 'Bible Belt'. Většina z lidí tam jsou 'Baptists'.

    Zimní noc, nejzimnější noc roku, vítr váněl venku jako by byl v něj tisíc rozhněvané démony.
    Náhle jsem slyšel někdo u dveře.
    Otvřel jsem a tam stal bytost oblečené v dlouhé černé róbě.
    Nemohl jsem vidět jeho tvař, který byl ůplně skrytý v stínech.
    Neřekl nic. Stal tam mlčení s svou kosou.
    'Co mohu pro vás udělat cizince?'
    Tehdy jsem si všiml, že za něm nebyli ve sníhu žadné stopy.
    'Je to čas, pane. Pojďte se mnou.'
    'Ale kam jdeme?'
    'Myslím si, že to už víte.'
    'Ale nejsem hotový. Je ještě pár věci, co musím udělat.'
    'Ne pane, budete se mnou jít hned.'

    Dokonce i odvažnější rytíři kulatého stolu králu Artušu ho viděli v den jejich smrt. Zubatá je ve hře života jen další herec.
    Každý herec má svou úlohu.
  5. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Musím se omlouvat. Podařilo se mi splést věci.
    V kostelu Naše Pani věčného pomoci v Bostonu byl včera zádušní mše za Edwarda Kennedyho.

    Our Lady of Perpetual Help.
  6. Eleshar

    Eleshar Well-Known Member

    1 - better "zvolený americkým prezidentem" or "zvolený za amerického prezidenta"

    2 - correct, just concerning years we often count the hundreds 1900 = 19x100 so it is "devatenáct set" (nineteen hundred, just like English nineteen sixty, but with the hundreds mentioned)

    3 - in English it is "from A, to B, to C, to..., to Z (or something like that)
    in Czech, it is "od A přes B, C, D,... (až) po Z"

    4 - if you are refering to this experience, then God bless you... :twisted:

    5 - you are still speaking about somehing you defined as "bytost", which is feminine, so you have to keep the pronouns feminine...

    6 - mlčky, mlčenlivě

    7 - now, the person is "cizinec", so the masculine gender is appropriate

    8 - I have taken the liberty to add the modal so that I did not have to change the whole structure... verb "jít" does not have future tense "budu jít", the form is supplied by "půjdu" from non-existent "*pojít" which is by all rules perfective... but since you know the verbs of motion are complicated, it has kind of both aspects (the bohemists are probably preparing attempt on my life by now)... BUT there is another verb "pojít" (pojdu, pojdeš,... not "půjdu, půjdeš,...") with completely different sense, that of dying, but is used only for animals (and perhaps plants, but what do I know of plants?), so do not confuse them!
  7. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

  8. Eleshar

    Eleshar Well-Known Member

    Beautiful, but at least the latin pronunciation is terrible :twisted:
  9. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    Not exactly, the Czech words are not derived from the Latin “mors”, they only have common origin with it.

    Not wrong, but for the years we tend to use numbers of the form “devatenáct set šedesát” (nineteen hundred sixty).

    You were, an average American president is far of being an average Amarican. :wink:

    Indeed, ditto the German one. But that’s common in music. Czech arias sung by non-Czechs are worse. :D

    There are many “Zdrávas Maria” in Czech, e.g. this one as sung in an old movie or this pop cover version by Lucie Bílá.
  10. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Další převod

    I think maybe pronunciation is sacrificed a little for the music.
    (although I'm sure Pavarrotti's are much closer)
    Also, it seem to me that not all of the words that she sang were printed in the latin translation.

    Moje minění je tohle, že asi změníme naši metody, ale naše měřitka se nezmění nikdy. Naše měřitka nevzdáme nikdy.
    Je mužova měřitka, které dělají toho muže, a je měřitka, které dělají ten národ.
    Ztratíme-li své měřitka, ztratíme svou duši.
  11. Eleshar

    Eleshar Well-Known Member

    Does not seem to... I considered strange that a top politician familially connected to a former president would be catholic (because that would imply the president was also catholic), and indeed as Scrimshaw reports, it seems to have been unthinkable (well not that unthinkable as a black president, but still...).

    1 - you mean probably "lidská měřítka"... "mužova měřítka" would mean just "man's standards" in the narrow sense ("muž" in Czech does not equal "human" as in English the word "man" does)

    2 - again, probably you mean "člověka", not "muže"

    3 - so... if you adopted the widespread metrical system of measures and standards instead of the imperial one, if you adopted the widespread long scale of large numbers instead of your short one, you would lose your soul then? :shock: :twisted: :lol: (sorry, just could not resist)
  12. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    You can compare it with our situation, the Catholics are common in the Czech Republic, in fact it is by far the most numerous religious group, but a Catholic president is rarity, if not unthinkable. There was only one and that was under very exceptional circumstances.

    I’m pretty sure scrimshaw means “(morální) zásady”, not “měřítka”.
  13. Eleshar

    Eleshar Well-Known Member

    Well, but I do not think that anybody here would have anything against a catholic president (or otherwise religious, if it were not something like islam or more exotic faiths). In our country, it is improbable, not unthinkable (if I am not mistaken, current prime minister is practicing jew and I have not oticed any significant concern about it besides the traditional extremists viewing him as a part of global jewish conspiracy or something).

    Oh, I am sure he did :D
  14. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    To je směšné......morální zní o mnohom blízko toho, co jsem si myslil.
    A man's values are what make the man.
    Ztratí-li člověk své morální, ztratí svou duší.
    Člověkův morálni je věc, která opravdu vytvářejí toho člověka.

    Tady na naše stranku velkého louže mi imperialisti stále užíme měřitka těch starých národů. No, to není přešně pravdový.
    Vždyť je jasné, že jsou narodi evropy mnoho starši než mi novačci.
    Nevím kdo si vysnil americkou systemu vahých a mírech.
    To také budu hledat na googli.

    Yes, Baptists are protestants. In fact all christian faiths, Anglican, Lutheran, Calvanist, Baptist, Presbyterian, methodists, etc......that are not catholic are are considered protestants, because in the 14th, and 15th centuries, they split from catholicsm and loyalty to the church in Rome.
    And then bloody wars were fought over it.
    However eastern orthodox and the armenian church that is something different. While not catholics, neither would the be considered protestants.
    They were not connected with that movement started by men like Jan Hus and Martin Luther.

    Catholics at one time here were openly discriminated against. ... ted_States

    click on 1.2 under contents.

    But that is all fortunately mostly a thing of the past. Though it can still be heard from some, but they are extremists.

    'Bible belt' je součást Spojených států v jíhu, která se dosáhá od Virginie, přes Georii a západ až po Texas.
  15. Eleshar

    Eleshar Well-Known Member

    1 - "morální" is adjective form word "morálka"

    2 - not sure whether it's pun or not...
    imperial - imperiální, imperiální soustava měr ) dating to the british empire
    imperialist - imperialistický, having the effort to create an empire... in Czech used very often against Americans during communist regime.. it has quite a negative connotations and resurfaced recently with the politics of G.Bush junior
    The way you used it sounds as succesful pun in which either you make fun of yourself or of those that call Americans imperialists :wink:

    3 - I guess you mean pravdivý (true) but it does not make sense to me with that what follows
  16. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Ano, :D bylo to jen vtip, protože naším uším myšlenka, že jsme opravdovi imperialisti, zní absurdní. Kvůli tomu se můžeme smát.
    A vím, že ty také dělal vtíp, když jsi nám řekl 'Ty imperialisti.'

    Dávejte si pozor lidé světa! Imerialistická Amerika chce zvládnout celý svět.
    Dívím se, že to není v stránkách této 'comic book'.

    Jaká spletitá pavučina ty lidé proplétali. Protože je to úplně posměšné, můžeme se tomu smát.

    Smál jsem se, když spisovatel i věděl to, co si myslil samotný ďábel.
    On ví, co si myslí židové, papy, jezuity, římanští a rusští tzaři.
    Asi ten, kdo ji napsal, je takový demón, který umí procestovat čas.
    Bohužel někteří budou ji číst a řeknou si, ano, tomu věřím také.
    Každou minutu se narodí blbec.
    Lidé věří tomu, co chce věřit.

    This is how we talk about religions.
    Protestant.....consists of many denominations....Baptist being one of the biggest, maybe the biggest, Anglican, Lutheran, etc.
    New age

    Protestant.....reformers.......they protested

    (I recommend the great comic "Godfathers", if not anything, it is a great inspiration while devising conspiration theories)

    if (it is not)....not said) nothing else, it is a great inspiration while(or for) devising conspiracy(or conspiratorial) theories.

    I had never heard of it, but maybe it's known to the atheists and conspiracy hunters.
  17. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Jen jsem četl biograf o Jackovi Chicku. :shock: :shock: :shock:
    Neznal jsem, že to bylo važné.
    Proč by takovým způsobem člověk stravil celý život?
    Rozhodně nenávidí katolický cirkev.
    Tak moc nenávist určitě musí rozežírat jeho srdci.
    Eleshare....Otevřel jsi moje oči. :shock:

    Doufám, že jsem neurazil nikoho.
    Je to svobodný svět a lidé mohou věřit tomu, čemu chtějí věřit.

    Podle mě ale ten chlap není zdravý. Umí ale kreslit. Připustím to, ale jeho myšlenky jsou někde daleko na levní součást hříště....out in left field....wierd

    How can he keep so many conspiracy theories straight? He himself must get confused. :)
  18. Eleshar

    Eleshar Well-Known Member

    1 - better "(za)vtipkoval"

    2 - better "upletli", "proplétat" is much more like "weave through"

    3 - směšný = ridiculous; posměšný = derisive, deriding

    4 - emperor = císař, tzar = car (the latter is only used when speaking of the sovereign of Russia)

    5 - better "cestovat časem"

    6 - better "biografii Jacka Chicka"

    7 - better "otevřel jsi mi oči"

    8 - not said in Czech... you could say "má o kolečko víc" or something:)

    Well... when I get to Jack Chick, my words are failing me... I have never encountered a "literature" full of such amount of unrelenting hate and boundless stupidity... Two or three years ago I had a little too much time and kind of "studied" much of his... work out of a fascination with disgust. I asked you about him because I read he produced and spread more than half a billion of his tracts (well... your small American billion, not our large European one :twisted: but still it is almost two for every living American and that is... quite a lot...). And while I cannot blame him for hating anyone he wants to, I consider inciting the hate in other people quite dangerous. Well, perhaps it is a good time to change a topic :D
  19. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Jen pár víc slov o tom.
    Myšlenka toho chlapa byla tak daleko za připustným merem, že jsem si nevšiml, ze je mám pokládat važně.
    Myslil jsem se, že se snažil dat najevo jak lidé mohu přehnat, a jak lidé mají radi hledat požadí, špatné lidi.
    Když jsem četl tu maličku knihu, myslil jsem si, že tohle je tak směšné, že určitě musí být vtíp.
    A přidám tohle, poznal jsem některé z jeho krezby. Nejsem si jist, kde jsem je viděl.
    Každý mají radi konspirační teorie.
    To je moje mínění, na to, co za stojí.

    Skupina lidí se sešli v salonu s barem, aby vyřešili naléhavý problém.
    Starec nastoupil na bar a začl mumlat nadšeně o nečem, ale bohuzel mu nikdo nerozuměl.
    Skončil mluviit a vrátil se k svému sidlu.
    Starosta po chvíli rekl: 'No, to je pěkny přiklad staromodniho amerického breptání. A kdo se s tím můze hádat?'
    That is a fine example of good old fashioned american gibberish.

    Má o kolečko víc......can you translate this?
  20. Alexx

    Alexx Well-Known Member

    He has one gear extra... Imagine brain as set of gears - brain of normal person. Put one gear extra - set will not work (at least not properly).

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