singing srdéčko

Discussion in 'Grammar & Pronunciation' started by catrin, Apr 24, 2005.

  1. catrin

    catrin New Member

    I was hoping someone would be able to advise me on how to sing this word; 'srdéčko'. My problem lies with the two first letters, 'sr' because they seems to be a sylable on they're own but i don't know what vowel to sing to it.
  2. digitaliz

    digitaliz Active Member

    There's something sounding slightly like an e inbetween s and r:


    Linguists call this "semi-vowel", I think. You can find this in (UK) English also, for instance at the end of words that end with "er", like... disaster...
  3. Qcumber

    Qcumber Well-Known Member

    :eek: It's not a semi-vowel; it's the schwa, and it is not written. :)
  4. Qcumber

    Qcumber Well-Known Member

    [deleted duplicate]
  5. fabik317

    fabik317 Well-Known Member

    it's not schwa, not sure about semi-vowel (dunno what it exactly means)
    "r" in czech is rolled so it effectively works as a vowel
  6. Qcumber

    Qcumber Well-Known Member

    There is no such thing as a semi-vowel. Either your hear a vowel or a consonant. For example [w] is a consonant, but is a vowel.

    As regards the /r/ in the word mentioned, if you forget the spelling, close your eyes, and listen carefully, you'll perceive a schwa, and you'll even see where it is placed in the syllable. :)

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