checking on translation please

Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by mike_jtw, Jul 27, 2005.

  1. mike_jtw

    mike_jtw Well-Known Member

    I have contructed the following sentences. Could you please advise if I am grammatically correct, these are to female by the way. :oops:

    You look as pretty a a picture:
    Vypadas hezka jako obrazek

    As far as I am concerned in all my life I have never seen another like you, who is so beautiful:
    Pokud se tyka mne cely mij zivot nikdy jsem nevidel dalsi nekdo, kdo je tak krasna

    I am deeply in love woth you:
    Jsem hluboce ve mila so tebe

  2. digitaliz

    digitaliz Active Member

    As far as I know, "in love with" should be "zamilovaný do", so I think it ought to be "jsem hloubce zamilovaný do tebe". Also, instead of hloubce, it might be better to say strašne.

    But then again, I'm only guessing :)
  3. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    You look as pretty a a picture:
    Vypadas hezka jako obrazek
    Jsi hezká jako obrázek ¨
    N.B. Vypadáš jako obrázek is double-meaning (the second meaning is you have put to much makeup on your face)

    As far as I am concerned in all my life I have never seen another like you, who is so beautiful:
    Pokud se tyka mne cely mij zivot nikdy jsem nevidel dalsi nekdo, kdo je tak krasna
    Pokud jde o mne, nikdy v životě jsem nepotkal nikoho tak krásného, jako jsi Ty

    I am deeply in love woth you:
    Jsem hluboce ve mila so tebe
    Jsem do Tebe hluboce zamilován
    (I would say nesmírně instead of hluboce.)
  4. mike_jtw

    mike_jtw Well-Known Member


    Yet again you have stopped me from becoming a complete laughing stock :oops:

    Its good job I can call on your services to bail me out!!!!!!!!! :roll:

    I am :D now

  5. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member

    Here's how I would translate them:

    Vypadáš hezká jako obrázek. (A+) :wink:

    Pokud se mi týká (Podle mého), nikdy jsem v celém svém životě neviděl nikoho, kdo je tak krasná jako ty.

    The Czechs have interesting word order rules with objects. The objects have a tendency to go into the second position in the sentence/clause. The reflexive particle (se/si) has first priority, the indirect object second, and the direct object third. Actually, come to think of it, the past auxiliary of the verb [e.g. the "jsem/jsi" in "Býl jsem/jsi") has priority over the reflexive. Hence, "Pokud se mi ..." and "nikdy jsem ..." In the case of "never seen another," the Czechs typically use double and triple negatives ("nikdy ... neviděl nikoho"). Another variant of this, perhaps, could be "nikdy ... neviděl druhou [ženu]," but the first one sounds better to me.

    Jsem hluboko (strašně) zamilovaný do tebe.

    digitaliz was right on the money here--A+ to you! Also, "hluboce," I think, is a more of a literary form.
  6. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    To Sova:

    There is a difference between hluboko and hluboce -
    the first one describes vertical distance - e.g. nechoď tam (do vody), je tam hluboko a ty neumíš plavat (do not go there, the water is deep and you cannot swim), or mít hluboko do kapsy - to be without money (literally deep and empty pocket);
    the second one is used in transferred meaning - e.g. hluboce nešťasten - deeply unhappy.
  7. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member

    Hmmm... Just when you think you know a language ...

    I'm probably getting confused with Russian (dang it!). :oops:
  8. mike_jtw

    mike_jtw Well-Known Member

    Hey Guys

    Think about poor me then, I am just trying to learn and get more and more confused as days go bye

    hehehe maybe I will stick to english :wink:
  9. digitaliz

    digitaliz Active Member

    Hang in there, mate! The increase in confusion will start to slow down after about two years of intense studying! (That's when you know just how much you still have to learn!) ;) :lol:
  10. Zeisig

    Zeisig Well-Known Member

    To Sova:

    vypadat jak? (jako kdo? jako co?)

    You cannot ask: Jaký (or jaká) vypadám?, but Jak vypadám? - Hezky. (adv.)

    Vypadáš hezky, jako obrázek.

    týkat se (týká/týče se) (+ gen.) koho? čeho? - mě, mne

    Co se mne (or mě) týká (or týče), ...

    ... nikoho, kdo je tak krásný ... (kdo - the formal subject of the sentence is masc.)
  11. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member

    Hmmmmm ... Yes, listen to digitaliz. After two years of intense studying (my particular case also), you'll start to learn just how much you still have to learn.

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