Need help with 8 phrases

Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by RickD, Jul 29, 2005.

  1. RickD

    RickD Member


    I am hoping someone can help me with 8 phrases I need translated into Czech. I am writing a novel and almost completed. Any help would be MUCH appreciated. I am looking for the phrases to be translated in a manner that would sound natural in a conversation.

    “That beautiful woman over there,” (elderly man pointing to a young woman in a crowd)

    “You have to meet my friend, Mila. She is perfect for you.” (spoken by a young woman to a man)

    “It’s going to kill her.” (spoken by a young woman, as in “it’s going to break her heart”)

    “She loves you.” (spoken by a young woman to a man )

    “Don’t do this.” (spoken by a young woman to a man)

    “Leave. She will devour you.” (spoken by a young woman. “Devour” as in treat badly.)

    “Go home,” (spoken by a young woman.)

    "...a broken heart"

    Thank you to any and all who respond!!!

  2. digitaliz

    digitaliz Active Member

    It would be really interesting to read this novel of yours. What is it called? Have you already found someone who wants to print it?

    I'm going to try some of the sentences as a learning exercise. Don't use them in your novel! :)

    “That beautiful woman over there,”
    Tahle krásná dáma tamhle

    “She loves you.”
    Má tě rád.
    Ona tě miluje.

    “Don’t do this.” (spoken by a young woman to a man)
    "Nedělej to", "Nedělejte to" (if they don't know each other)

    “Go home,” (spoken by a young woman.)
    Jdi domů
    Jděte domů (to unknowns or plural)

    “It’s going to kill her.” (spoken by a young woman, as in “it’s going to break her heart”)
    To jí zabiljí.

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