Dictionary or web site to learn word stems

Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by Yuko_april, Nov 28, 2005.

  1. Yuko_april

    Yuko_april Member

    I'm studying Czech and I need help in learning vocabs.
    For example, "přijet" can be divided into "při" and "jet"
    and we can understand the word.

    I started thinking about word stems when I got to remember the word "zarděnky". Does this word have the same stem as "zardělost"?
    If so, it really helps me to learn words.
    And I need books or websites to study this way.
    If anybody know something, please let me know.

    I'm not native English speaker, so I don't know if I explained well what I need...

    Thank you.
  2. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    Hi Yuko_april.

    What do you study you know such words? :eek:

    Both words seem to be derived from "rdít se" (=blush, become red). So you're right.
  3. gementricxs

    gementricxs Well-Known Member

    Oh, man, what words are you learning? I'm native Czech and I've lived in Czech all my life (ok, I'm 18 now, so it's not so long), but the point is that I never used this word. Actually I heard the word zarděnky, but I don't know what it is (I think ,that it's some kind of ilness, am Iright?). And the word zardělost, ohh, it's first time I heard this word (and I'm not kidding), so no need to learn these kinds of words. Btw, what textbook are you using?
  4. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    Hi Gementricxs,

    I agree with your comment. I never heard the word "zardělost" but I understand them. In slavic languages there's wonderful you can create to date not used word which is understandable to all. :wink:

    "Zarděnky" is rubela (German measles). That's really children's disease.
  5. Ladis

    Ladis Well-Known Member

    I've heard that word yet and known that's a disease 8). But I haven't used it in my active vocabulary, too :) (and I'm a native Czech, 23 yrs).
  6. Yuko_april

    Yuko_april Member

    Hehe, I'm studying medicine...
    I've got lots of medical terminology and it's just simply not possible to
    memorise all. But it's really useful if you know some stems.

    I got other words with me I would like to know or FEEL the meaning, if you can understand what I mean...

    I saw many words start with "vý-" and "pře-".
    Could someone tell me possible meanings of those words?
  7. Howard

    Howard Active Member


    My textbook explanation is (I'm not Czech):

    Prefix: Vy-

    1. Direction from within outwards
    Example: Vyšel z domu = He left the house

    2. Direction from below upwards
    Example: Vylezl na kopec = He climed (up) the hill

    3. To annul the result of an activity
    Example: Vypnout rádio = To switch of the radio

    4. Total completion of an action
    Example: Voda se vyvařila = The water has boiled away

    5. To acquire sth by means of an action
    Example: Vyhrál běh na 100 metrů = He won the 100 m race

    Prefix: Pře-

    1. Direction from one side to the other
    Example: Přejděte na druhou stranu ulice = Cross the street

    2. To do/to make again, better
    Example: Zprávu jsem musel přepsat = I had to re-write the report

    3. To do/to make badly, an error
    Example: Promiňte, přeřekl jsem se = I beg your pardon, I’ve made a slip of the tongue

    4. To do/to make to much (incorrectly)
    Example: Jsem přepracovaný, bolí mě hlava = I am overworked, I have a headache

    5. Complete separation
    Example: Telefonní spojení se přerušilo = The telephone connection has been interrupted
  8. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    Czech verbal prefixes:
    do- (dostat), na- (najít), nad- (nadepsat), ne- (nebýt), o- (opustit), ob- (obejít), od- (odmítnout), po- (počkat), pod- (podepsat), pro- (promluvit),
    pře- (přečíst), před- (představit), při- (přinést), roz- (rozbít), s-/sou- (složit, souviset), u- (uvidět), v- (vstoupit), vy- (vydat), vz- (vzpomínat), z- (zeptat se), za- (zajímat se)

    I'm sorry I'm lazy to describe all meanings but I think this list could be useful for you.
  9. Yuko_april

    Yuko_april Member

    Thanks a lot.
    It helpd me out a lot.

    And Howard, if yuo don't mind, could you tell me in which book you foud those explanations? :D
  10. Howard

    Howard Active Member


    It's from a book called "Chcete ještě lépe mluvit česky" by Elga Čechova, Helena Remediosová and Harry Putz; ISBN 80-902165-7-9.

    You can find explanations of the prefixes in most of the other textbooks too, but may be no so thorough as in the book above.

    Best regards,
  11. Rommie

    Rommie Well-Known Member

    God, and where is the conection between medicine studies and learning Czech??? :lol: You´ve got good teachers here, I´m Czech and I couldn´t explain it so good as these boys do:)
    Good luck, girl
  12. Yuko_april

    Yuko_april Member

    Thank you, everyone :D
    I'm studying in Czech republic.
    I need to study czech medical terminology and also general Czech to speak to local pacients at hospital.
    That's why... :?
  13. Rommie

    Rommie Well-Known Member

    Oh! It´s not easy :shock: And where exactly? In Prague? I´ve got a big problem with studying from original english texts...And they are not about medicin. Big luck, that it´s all latin :lol:
  14. Yuko_april

    Yuko_april Member

    I'm in Hradec Kralove.
    Thank you very much for your words. :D
    And good luck to you as well.

    We, Japanese, say "Continuation give you power"
    (As long as you keep trying, you'll get something. ) :wink:
  15. Rommie

    Rommie Well-Known Member

    Jejda, my friend from school studies in Hradec :D Languages. I had heard, it´s a beautiful city (sorry, I´ve still got big problems with expressing past times in english :oops: ).

    I study in Ostrava (well, you must know our most famous street Stodolní :lol: ). Social work with counseling, I want to work abroad, in England for the best:)
    Do you want to stay here, in CZ??
    It´s true that "As long as you trying...", but it doesn´t says WHAT you get :wink:
    Hey student, you´ll have an exams soon, won´t you??!
  16. Howard

    Howard Active Member


    I've just returned from Prague, where I found a new book which may be of interest to you (and all you others trying to learn Czech (including myself)). It's thematic dictionary with lots of examples and thorough explanations of both the Czech and English words. I've just used it a couple of days but it seems to be a very good book.

    English<->Czech Thematic Dictionary The Physical Side of Humans by Miroslav Jaroščák, 2005, ISBN 80-7182-194-2.

    Best regards

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