Need a translation

Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by dialup_2001, Mar 22, 2004.

  1. dialup_2001

    dialup_2001 New Member

    Please could someone help me with this. I would like to say:

    Sorry I could not come over last night, I was busy, but if I had know earlier you were going to be free I would have made time.


    I have got you a present

    Thankyou in advance.
  2. Dana

    Dana Well-Known Member

    Below are the translations. Since I don't know if you're a male or female, I'll provide both versions - Czech verb endings differ between the masculine and feminine gender.

    If you're a man, say this:

    "Nezlob se, že jsem včera nemohl přijít, měl jsem moc práce, ale kdybych byl věděl, že budeš mít volno, byl bych si udělal čas."

    If you're a woman, say this:

    "Nezlob se, že jsem včera nemohla přijít, měla jsem moc práce, ale kdybych byla věděla, že budeš mít volno, byla bych si udělala čas."

    The second sentence is the same for either gender:

    "Mám pro tebe dárek."
  3. dialup_2001

    dialup_2001 New Member

    Thankyou very much for that, it really helped me out. It's a shame there is no easy way to sort of give you a couple of quid each time you help someone out because I think you would be doing quite well!!!!
  4. Dana

    Dana Well-Known Member

    You're welcome Andrew.

    We do have a donation page for anyone who'd like to "drop a couple of quid" into our jar:
    Any contribution to Local Lingo from our visitors is greatly appreciated and is to be used towards maintaining and expanding the site.

    Hope to see you around on the boards!

  5. rasta1979

    rasta1979 Member

    I don't know the entire thing, but i have a gift for you is:
    Mam pro tebe darek.

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