More Translation CZ >> ENG .. Prosim :o)

Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by brentulko, Sep 25, 2006.

  1. brentulko

    brentulko Member

    Jana... anybody.. would it be possible for some help with this sentence please? :?:

    Nemluvím anglicky, ale Vám to česky docela jde. Jak se máte_ Zaujal jste mě.Mohl by jste mi o sobě napsat něco více?

  2. gementricxs

    gementricxs Well-Known Member

    I don't speak English, but your Czech is pretty good. How are you? You intrigued me. Can you write more about yourself?
  3. brentulko

    brentulko Member

    Many thanks gementricxs :D
  4. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Ta osoba mu napsal ´´Mohl by jste mi na sobě napsat něco vice.´´

    Proč nenapsala ´Mohl bysteˇ´?
    Is this a regional preference?

    And could I say this=
    Ale mi to česky docela ještě nejde.?

    Stravil jsem davno chvili v Němčce.
    Vspomínám si, že slovo ´´Íchˇ´(co znamená já), se říká v severnim narodě ´´Ik´´, a v jižnim ´´Išˇ´.

    In the United States the subject pronoun ´´ýou´´ can be both singular and plural.
    But then for extra clarity, and kind of slangish, it becomes ´´you all´´
    And then in the south, it is shortened to y'all.
    A dead giveaway that somebody is froom the south.
  5. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    "By jste" is a grammatical error, very common in spoken Czech (as well as "bysem, by jsme, bysme"). Correct is "bych", "bychom" and "byste".
  6. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member


    To jsem neviděl. Učebnice mi učil, že bych,bys ....jsou sprvný česky,
    take mi ale učil, že cestující v Ceské Republice bude take slyěet
    by jsme, by jste atd.
    Myslel jsem si. že asi rúžné okoli dávaji přednost jedně před druhym.

    Jste takova hrdina smiřit se s mym hroznym českem. :)
  7. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    Nejsem žádná hrdinka - obdivuji každého, kdo se odhodlá učit se česky; a myslím si, že ty obzvlášť si zasloužíš všechnu pomoc a podporu.
  8. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member

    scrimshaw, ty jsi ale přilíš pokorný.
  9. Rommie

    Rommie Well-Known Member

    Nejen to, je taky talentovaný a jednoduše miláááššššek :wink: :D
  10. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member

    BTW, scrimshaw, y'all is singular in the South. For the plural, they use all y'all. :D (at least, this is true in Texas)
  11. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Yeehaw y'all, jezdme vsichni koni do města.
    Kde je kovbojski klobouk?
  12. milton

    milton Well-Known Member

    hahaha... in the dirty dirty we use all y'all for the pluralized version of "y'all" too :D although when we said it a certain 8th grade English teacher, if she heard it would almost have a "Coronary" hahahaha

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