Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain

Discussion in 'Culture' started by T'om, Aug 22, 2006.

  1. eso

    eso Well-Known Member

    Actually, you can, with particle bombarding in particle accelerator or tokamak reactor. :) But energy cost is enormous for now.

    If we were able to create cheap gold, then gold will lose its value anyway.

    On other hand, today we have better use for gold and diamonds then coins and rings - electronics components, drilling tools, lasers!
  2. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member

    The short of it is that chemists can't make gold, but physicists can. 8)
  3. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Je to děšivý, co mohou udělat fyziky. To je ten děšivý dovednost.
    Muž není jen používá přihodu, ale ji vymění.
    Celý věc se mi zda je trošku nepřirožený, al co, to je svět na kterým žijeme.

    It is scary what physicists can do. That is the scary science.
    Man not only uses nature, it changes it.
    The whole thing seems to me a little unnatural, but that is the world where we live.
  4. T'om

    T'om Active Member

    Hmmmm..... Czech this out:
  5. evantula

    evantula Active Member

    ... you are correct, there is a Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Kralove ...
  6. Ark1tec

    Ark1tec Well-Known Member

    Issac Newton the great physicist was interested in the dark side and he was (usually) a rational reasonable enlightened one. Maybe the scientology invented by col. ron l hubbard, was something similar to this when he was exiled from britian he took to living on a boat where he would transmit his divine orders to his followers all over the world. To achieve a higher rank in scientology you sit in front of an electronic machine and if the lights changed colour one way you were promoted the other and you weren't, wierd, but true. :roll:

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