Amusing Czech words...

Discussion in 'General Language' started by miffy, Nov 9, 2006.

  1. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! Scrimshaw, you did it all. Now, have a look at this.
  2. eso

    eso Well-Known Member

    Great article, wer. Thanks.
  3. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    that is excellent wer.
    a lot better translation than mine.
    To je moc lepší překlad než muj.
    Tyhle přiběhy se učí děti ve školu?
    Ano, zdá se, že mají hezké naučeni.

    Ok, máme karliku, ale mám pocit, že se to malo děti učí tyhle dni.
    Možna se mylím.

    Petr a vlk== To znáte?
  4. eso

    eso Well-Known Member

    Is it about boy, who cried "Wolf"?
  5. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    No, eso, Petr a Vlk........
    Nemyslím si, že to nejsou stejné přiběhy.
    Ano, znám přibeh také o klukem, kterem pořád křičel nahlas ˇ´Vlk´´,
    a vše vesničanů k mu přiběhali, aby mu pomohli.

    Petr je a Vlk je něco jinde.
    Jestli si vzpomínám dobře, jde o muž a kluk, kterém jsou v lesa a honí vlk.
    Byl tak dlouho.
    Ale je hezká hudba, co jde spolu s přiběhem. Ditě si může snaze představit, jak slysějí hudbu, co se stava. Í
  6. Alex_ru

    Alex_ru Member

    Russian has word "neposeda" in the same meaning.
    When I watched film "Kolya" in czech but with english subtitles I was very impressed by word "podmazat" (I don't know how to write it correctly in czech) in the meaning of "to give a bribe", 'cause we got to use this slang word not so long time ago. :D Who borrowed it and who lent it?

    Generally czech language sounds very tender for russian ears... from my point of view.
  7. kotja

    kotja Member

  8. Ctyri koruny

    Ctyri koruny Well-Known Member

    kvuli Petr a Vlk mám strach z zadušeních smrt od dětství.

    Because of Peter and the wolf I'm terrified of being strangled since childhood.
    What a horrible horrible horrible story to tell children. "The more he struggled the tighter it got" i feel sick just thinking about it. That poor wolf! And then you have that dramatic music illustrating and coloring the whole thing as purple and green as the wolf's face. ARgh.
    I suppose it's my own fault for always identifying with the animal over the person.
  9. doll

    doll Member

    These words and their meanings are quite amusing! It's funny how in some languages there are words for such random, useless things. The best one of the list is 'vybafnout'... it just seems like such a long and complicated word just to scare someone by saying 'boo'! I'm very intrigued by this language, though it doesn't have any resemblence to any of the languages I knwo (german, english, french).
  10. Ctyri koruny

    Ctyri koruny Well-Known Member

    Milan Kundera's explanation of lítost made it seem like the English word "Angst" to me (it's nothing like the German word angst which = fear, as far as I know) . i think it has no direct translation, at least he insisted in the book it didn't.. I can't remember which book.. Life is Elsewhere maybe

    nedovtipa is an excellent word.
  11. Alexx

    Alexx Well-Known Member

    Out of topic, but look at scrimshaw's post above from almost three years ago. The improvement he has done since then is amazing.
  12. Ctyri koruny

    Ctyri koruny Well-Known Member

    For me the difference ads up to:

    I can understand what he said 3 years ago.. I can't understand what he says these days!

    I had to re-write that sentence three times to make the meaning clear ha ha.
  13. Alexx

    Alexx Well-Known Member

    :-D for me it is he exact oposite
  14. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Alexxi, To rád slyším!!!!!
    Děkuji za to.
    Rozhodně je to tři let od doby, když jsme překládali příběh o Vodníku?
    Čas letí. Kam letí?
    Pohádka Vodníku je ještě dráhá v srdci každého českého dítě, že?
    Takové pohádky nikdy neumřou. Jsou trvalé.
    Dokud jsou ještě to nebezpečné jezírky a malé holky, Vodník bude žit dál.
  15. kibicz

    kibicz Well-Known Member

    *vodník is alive(životný), patern pán

    ** Vodník - capitalized in case you write about fairy tale's name, vodník is not person's name but rather occupation(like angel, fairy, etc..):)

    Just few insignificant mistakes, should hire you as corector;-)
  16. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member


    Sedí na své topoli a čeká na nic tušící panenky. Vodník trpělivě šíje a čeká.
    Ve světle úplnků se sobě mluví a připrave své zlé plány.
    Chce se jednoho dne oženit. Je trpělivý tvor, umí počkat. corrector... :D
  17. Alexx

    Alexx Well-Known Member

    nic netušící :)
  18. Ctyri koruny

    Ctyri koruny Well-Known Member

    Hee hee! I know Czenglish better than Czech ;)

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