24-h-Touristticket possible to buy at the Airport

Discussion in 'Travel Tips & Advice' started by mosella, Jan 25, 2006.

  1. mosella

    mosella New Member

    is it possible to buy the 24-hours-Ticket für the Bus, Metro and so an directly at the Airport. Because I want to use it although for the bus Nr. 119. So if possible, i don't have to buy two different tickets.

    Hope, someone can answer me.
  2. GlennInFlorida

    GlennInFlorida Well-Known Member

    Yes, there is an outlet at the airport. Not sure about bus 119, but tickets are generally good for all "in town" buses, trams, and the metro. They also have 3, 7, and 15 day tickets at good savings over single or 1 day tickets.
  3. mosella

    mosella New Member

    Thank you very much for answering so fast. Can I find the outlet easyly? Which Terminal 1 or 2 or outside the building? How can I recognize the outlet?
    Thank you again
  4. GlennInFlorida

    GlennInFlorida Well-Known Member

    Take a look at


    click on the little map of the airport to get an interactive larger map.
    You will have no problems there - just go to information if you need help.
  5. magan

    magan Well-Known Member

    You don't need public transportation other than Bus 119 from the airport?
    If you need only one ticket you can buy only one ticket at the counter. If you need ticket for trip back to airport, just buy two.

    If you are staying for more than one day, get pass for so many days. They speak English at the counter where you buy tickets. I really recommend to use trams with your pass when you are in Prague. It will give you a nice scenic route whereever you go. Pass is also valid for venicular up to Petrin Hill.
  6. Doctor When

    Doctor When Guest

    That's useful - I was about to enquire about a 3-day combined bus'n'rail pass. I got into trouble the last time I was in Prague as I didn't fully understand the "punch your own ticket when you get on a tram" rule!

    Still, a small fine for fare dodging, a nice chat with a relatively friendly plain-clothes ticket inspector, and a lovely presentation receipt/certificate made my day just that bit more exciting...

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