A few sentences Slovak to English

Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by bobishere, Jan 17, 2006.

  1. bobishere

    bobishere Member

  2. magan

    magan Well-Known Member

    bobishere: So you are snooping eh? I have to tell you that this is totally innocent conversation - really just "shooting breeze" . General feeling is that girl is not interested in him and doesn't feel like communicating much.

    teraz mas rano? si este na prijme? taku hodinu a pol by som sa Ti mohol

    Do you have morning there? Are you still accepting (means communication)? Another hour and half and I could have time for you......

    veru, mam to nabite. ...prepac ze sa neozyvam (mam pocit ze som ti
    aj zacala pisat mail ale nedokoncila - prepac. ...pohladam a dopisem ked
    budem mat viac casu) dnes som v praci od tmy do tmy asi ani obed nestiham - ale to je vynimka. semester konci, a tak... maj sa krasne a drz sa

    Well, I am busy, that is why I am not responding (I think that I started to write e-mail for you, but didn't finish, because.......with postcard and letter when I have more time). I am working from dark to dark not even time for lunch - but it is unusual. My semester is ending, so... be well and strong

    ty to mas nejake nabite teraz na zaciatku roka... Takze:
    vsetko NAJ k meninam prajem, vela frajerov+sexu+alkoholu, nech Ta
    vsetci posluchaju a nech sa dariiiiiiiii vsade a vzdy!!!

    You sure are busy at the beginning of the year....So I wish you all the best for your name day....lots of good looking guys+sex+alcohol, and that all are good to you and that you are successful everywhere and always.

    > zatial len tolko
    That's all for now.
  3. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    A little correction:

    Do you have morning now? Are you still accepting (means communication)? I could have about hour and half for you......

    Really (or "no kidding"), I am busy. ... I'm sorry I am not responding (I feel that I started to write e-mail for you, but didn't finish, I'm sorry.......I will see to it and will finish writing if I have more time). Today I am working from dark to dark not even time for lunch - but it is exception. My semester is ending, so... be well and carry on well

    You are kinda busy now at the beginning of the year....So I wish you all the best for your name day....lots of good looking guys ("frajer" is difficult to translate, maybe "swain")+sex+alcohol, let all listen good to you and let you are successful everywhere and always.

    That's all for now.
  4. Kanadanka

    Kanadanka Well-Known Member

    usually we say "I have a feeling that....' instead of "I feel that..."
    'kinda' is not a word, it's made up of two words "kind of'
    "at te vsichni poslouchaji" would like be translated as "let all (of them) obey you anywhere, anytime.
  5. magan

    magan Well-Known Member

    IT was just a fast one - he wanted to know what is conversation about. :D
  6. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Kanadanka, I'm surre in Slovak but I need to be corrected in English. :D
  7. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member

    Rather: Is it morning there now?
    Better: from dawn to dusk (a little more descriptive in English)

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