A question for the men who've married Czech women

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous (Czech-Related)' started by TyHigs, Jul 3, 2005.

  1. TyHigs

    TyHigs New Member

    Just wondering if you are happy. Do you consider them to be better than American women?? Less belief in feminist myths?

    There is a rumor that chech women start demanding that their parents be supporting because supposedly life is hard there, and there is always some medical emergency or something. I dont know and I dont want to perpetuate any myths. I'm just asking. I actually read this on a blog from an American that married a czech.

    Please help. I want to travel to prague next spring/early summer to meet women. Any advice? any good cities to visit?

    Sorry if this post is offensive to anyone.

    I also want to note that I'm not looking for a slave, just a woman who doesnt believe in man-hating or feminist lies, and is willing to treat her man well in exchange for being treated equally well.
  2. TyHigs

    TyHigs New Member

  3. Usal

    Usal Well-Known Member

    I think all that you ask will be based on the individual. I don't believe you could make a blanket statement about all Czech women or all women like that.
  4. TyHigs

    TyHigs New Member

    I agree, but you can say there are cultural differences which influence personality and what's socially acceptable.

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