
Discussion in 'Culture' started by mike222, Mar 7, 2006.

  1. mike222

    mike222 New Member

    I live in the USA and 8 years ago I met this CZECH woman from PRAHA. I was 30 and she was 20. We had this connection. Deep. Delightfully deep. To make a long story short, I love her. I've known her for 9 years now. We started as friends but it is turning into romance. Can you tell me - I notice in comparison to AMERICAN woman she is not as affectionate. What I really want to know is, kissing and hugginf and sex. How is it different in CZECH. Do CZECH, PRAGUE woman kiss passionately and romantically. Or is sex just fun exercise? Someone, anyone help me with this. I love this woman and I would like to understand subtle things.


  2. Lelee

    Lelee Member

    Tell me how long have you been dating with this girl?In my opinion,it doesn´t necessarily depend on the girl´s nationality,but much more on her personality.Of course she may be a bit more withdrawn than a common American,but having met an American girl,not so open as they usually are,I wouldn´t rely on that.By the way,if you love her and you seem to do,just stay kind,don´t hurry if she seems to be a bit shy and I´m sure both of you will be satisfied.Good luck! :wink:

    Petra from the CR
  3. Eva2

    Eva2 Well-Known Member

    Alas, there is no recipe for dating Czech women. It all depends on the chemistry between you two. As the previous poster said wisely, temperament does vary from individual to individual. Basically, Czech girls are not shrinking violets. Hug and kiss her and see what happens! That's the only way to know. Good luck!
  4. dzurisova

    dzurisova Well-Known Member

    I've been told by Czech people that in general they are not comfortable with affection in public. Obviously, that can not be true for all Czech people, but generally as a cultural thing. Also, they "don't wear their feelings on their shoulders". In other words, they aren't that open verbally about their feelings. They figure you know and they don't have to say it all the time.

    For instance, I've been told there really isn't even a word in Czech to tell your children or parents that you love them. I have several Czech friends that are married to Czech people. They ALL say that they rarely tell their spouse that they love them. They say it just feels weird to share feelings like that. Many of them say that Americans share their feelings way too much.
  5. SMZ

    SMZ Well-Known Member

    The "not comfortable with affection in public" group had better not ride the metro. I have never seen so much kissing, hugging, and downright groping in public like I regularly witness on the metro in Prague. It's rather amazing. :shock:
  6. dzurisova

    dzurisova Well-Known Member

    Really, it must be the younger crowd. Perhaps the no affection in public or sharing of feelings was an effect of communism.
  7. Eva2

    Eva2 Well-Known Member

    Holding hands, hugging and kissing in public was acceptable under the communists. Been there, done that. :wink:

    Expressing love among adults is done by deeds rather than words. Showing concern, sympathy, giving a hug when needed, helping with chores, all that speaks volumes. Besides, the Slavic languages are replete with affectionate diminutives that replace the "I love you" of the rather rigid English. I can understand why a stranger who is not familiar with all the nuances of the language may wrongly assume that Czechs are cold fish.
  8. GlennInFlorida

    GlennInFlorida Well-Known Member

    I agree with Eva2.
    Last November while in Prague, my friend and I were treated to lunch by a young Czech couple. Though not a single gooey "I love you" was uttered, it was obvious, through their body language and tone of voice, that they were not only in love with each other, but good friends too. A slight smile, a lowered eye, and a soft touch can speak volumes.
  9. dzurisova

    dzurisova Well-Known Member

    Very true, my husband and I had a couple over for dinner this week. I noticed that the wife of the couple kept watching my husband and I as we exchanged soft smiles and glances throughout the night. At one point she (knowing I don't speak Czech) smiled and asked my husband "miluješ jí?" Of course, she didn't know that I understood her. My husband smiled and nodded uncomfortably. I pretended I didn't understand as not to embarrass him further. But I was smiling inside. :wink:
  10. dzurisova

    dzurisova Well-Known Member

    I'm not saying that it was against the rules. But every Czech person I know (and I know many) tell me that Americans share their feelings too easy and are too affectionate in public. They say it makes them uncomfortable. I'm saying that maybe something in communism, just the philosophy in general created this “uncomfortableness” in sharing emotions. I could be completely off base; it could be some other factor rather than communism. All I know is that all the Czechs I know willingly admit that they don't like to show emotion the way Americans do.
  11. Paint

    Paint Well-Known Member

    That's interesting... I also know several Czechs and they have sternly accused me of being an unemotional cold fish. I lost the best friend I had (a Czech male) over it. I would say it was just a personality clash but he said enough that revealed he thought it's a result of my being brainwashed by American feminism (I am American). I don't even consider myself to be a feminist! Bah. Anyway, based on the quotes by Eva and dzurisovak, is my being called an "unemotional cold fish" a worse criticism coming from a group of Czechs?
  12. dzurisova

    dzurisova Well-Known Member

    Dang Girl, you must be really cold! :lol:
  13. magan

    magan Well-Known Member

    BRRRRRRRRR.......just to think of you sends shivers through my spine...

    I think it was more his male ego than your "temperature" :) :) :)

    In CR feminist is "dirty word" you know that?? It became almost women's national passtime to prove that that they are not. I heard that sentence "I am not feminist" million times in CR already. I don't know what they mean, perhaps that these women are "not for equality of women"? You cannot convince anyone in CR that you are not feminist, because you ARE "different"... if only by the fact that you grew up somewhere else and you can never be "typical Czech woman".
  14. Paint

    Paint Well-Known Member

    So now I'm not sure if I really am ice-cold, or if he's just overly emotional compared the majority of Czech men, or if it's a cultural difference. Maybe all three. I think the guy had a problem with the fact that I have a few college degrees. I will admit, though, that I have a mild form of autism - so I will always have problems with emotional reciprocity :(
    It's still hard to lose a friend over what seems like a misunderstanding.
  15. impish

    impish Active Member


    What do Czech men consider "feminist" ideals. What is a "typical Czech woman". My boyfriend grew up in a small Czech town and I would like to understand some of his expectations for me better. I adore him to death and would at least like to know of areas that may spark little "cultural catfights" between us.
  16. impish

    impish Active Member

    i did not mean for that post to come out so big. sorry :shock:
  17. EmcaTanecnice

    EmcaTanecnice Active Member

    I would say that czechs are the same as americans (or any other nationality) when it comes to public affection. Having lived in Olomouc, CR for the past year...and dated...I found that between the guys I dated, and the friends I knew, it really was different. Some of the girls I knew, when I would greet them, it was always with hugs and kisses...others with just a hello. And it is right, that czechs often use fraze to express how they feel, and not the words I love you. It's in fact much more common to hear "mám ho/ji strašně rád/a" than Miluju/miluji...


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