CZ > EN can anybody help please?

Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by brentulko, Jun 6, 2008.

  1. brentulko

    brentulko Member

    I have tried to translate this as best I can, but much of it, I still have not quite interpreted correctly. Is it possible for some help, please?

    It is good to have Czech penpals because I'm starting to learn a bit more basic Czech, but when I write something correctly in Czech, I think my penfriends sometimes think I understand a lot of Czech and get a reply like

    myslím si,že vůbec nejsi z Anglie-),ale přestoTě ráda někdy uvidím.To bych se vůbec nemusela trápit z angličtinou...
    jj jsem i accountant a rodinu snad máme všichni ,ne?
    Měřím tolik co ty a vážím o malinko méně.Jestli budeš mít cestu do Prahy,nebo kdekoli jinde,ráda Tě pozvu na čaj,protože kafe není nejlepší.Jezdím po celé čr,tak by to nebyl problém.Ale pouze,když na mne budeš mluvit česky.Tak už začni trénovat

    Thanks to anybody that can help.
  2. kibicz

    kibicz Well-Known Member

    Sorry for lame translation and my czenglish, I just woke up and was bit lazy to write it more stylistically corect...
  3. brentulko

    brentulko Member

    Many thanks kibicz :D

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