(EN>CZ) 1 sentence translation please.

Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by kilosierra, Jan 10, 2008.

  1. kilosierra

    kilosierra Well-Known Member

    "But I thought you were my elephant or my wave?"

    (this is in response to the previous "ty bejku"..it is meant to be a teasing answer...but in no way sexual.)
  2. eso

    eso Well-Known Member

    If it is said by man:
    Ale já myslel, že jsi můj slon nebo vlna?

    If it is said by woman:
    Ale já myslela, že jsi můj slon nebo vlna?

    (BTW - I don't get it either in English or Czech :) Elephant? Wave? :) )
  3. kilosierra

    kilosierra Well-Known Member

    It is the inner thinking of a complex Czech man!! LOL....Thank you for the translation (again!!)

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