fall/winter comfort foods?

Discussion in 'Culture' started by gypzy, Nov 12, 2006.

  1. gypzy

    gypzy Well-Known Member

    Sorry to sound flaky, but, when adding lemon to the varonka is it to be sliced, wedged or just the peel?
  2. meluzina

    meluzina Well-Known Member

    I agree that hrebicek is clove

    as i was curious about what a rose apple is (and i wanted to avoid doing anything useful :) ) i did a bit of research:

    rose apple is Syzygium jambos http://www.tradewindsfruit.com/rose_apple.htm

    while the clove is Syzygium aromaticum

    from the looks of it all Syzygia all called hřebíčkovec in czech (the one for cloves being called hrebickovec vonny) thus leading to the odd translation of hřebíček=rose apple in some sources

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