I have been... I had been...

Discussion in 'Grammar & Pronunciation' started by Calvario, Oct 11, 2006.

  1. Calvario

    Calvario Well-Known Member

    I'm studying th past tense and have a few questions.

    Pracoval jsem...- I was working. imperfect past tense
    How would you say " I had been working..." Is it the same as above?

    What is the perfect past for pracovat: "I worked"

    Also "What have you been doing" Co delate? Is this the correct translation or is there another way to express I have been...

    Thanks a lot,
  2. mbm

    mbm Well-Known Member

    Yes, it is the same. While English has several ways of referring to different sections of past time, Czech only has one past tense and that's what you have to make do with.

    It's "pracoval jsem" - again, the same as "I was working" and "I had been working", and also partially equivalent to "I have worked" and "I have been working".

    This is where you need to decide whether you're going to use the present tense ("co děláte") or the past tense ("co jste dělali"), there is no other choice. There is no straight equivalent in Czech of the English "has been" and "had been" and so on.

    You might think that Czech is quite impoverished if it only has the three bare tenses, but we make up for some of it with aspect.
  3. alenastef

    alenastef Well-Known Member

  4. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    hey=that is a little intimidating, all those changes in aspect, slightly changing meaning of verb.
    But the prefixes have pretty generalized meanings.
    I will try to guess the meanings of those verbs you mentioned.

    dopracovat= to complete,finish work
    vypracovat=to work out==solve a problem
    odpracovat=to work from(a given starting place)
    rozpracovat=to work out seperately
    přepracovat=to work something out,work through a problem
    upracovat=no clue

    Mám dojem, že jsem zkoužka neuspěl.
  5. eso

    eso Well-Known Member

    dopracovat= to complete,finish work - RIGHT!

    vypracovat (plán/návrh) = create (plan)
    vypracovat se = work (one's) way up, move up

    odpracovat = to work off (he has to work off his debt)

    rozpracovat = begin to work on something
    přepracovat = remake something (plan)

    upracovat se = overwork (he overworked himself to death)
    přepracovat se = overwork (but not to death)
  6. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    wow===I can see that the czech speaker has a lot of options to say exactly what he/she wants.
    The language can be very precise.

    Pracoval jsem celý den. Dopracoval jsem v šest a zatplatpanbuh jsem mohl vystoupit autobus včas.
    Vcera to vypracoval nový metoda udělal.(he worked out a new way to do it?)
    Chudak, neuměl nikdy odpočivat a se konecně upracoval.
    Přepracoval se tak si musel sednout na lavičce.
    Přepracuju to, protože druhý plan nefungoval.
    Petr pujčil Alanovi čtyřicet dolarů a když je Alan mechanik, souhasili, že to mohl odpracovat spravením auto.
    Pracováním tvrdě každý den se rychlé vypracoval.
    Rozpracuju nový projekt.
  7. eso

    eso Well-Known Member

    Wow, scrimshaw, very good. You are very fast learner. Only few corrections:

    "Dopracoval" isn't incorrect, but it's unusual. Better:
    Skončil jsem v šest a zaplaťpánbůh jsem chytil autobus včas ( catch bus?)

    Včera vypracoval novou metodu, jak to udělat.

    Chudák, nikdy neuměl odpočívat, až se nakonec upracoval.

    Přepracoval se, tak si musel sednout na lavičku (but Czechs are using it mostly for more serious consequences like - Přepracoval se a z toho onemocněl)

    - good, but better první plán or původní plán, druhý plán is rather new one (aspoň já to tak cítím :)

    Petr půjčil Alanovi čtyřicet dolarů a protože Alan je mechanik, domluvili se (or Petr souhlasil), že si to může odpracovat opravou auta.

    Better: Každodenní tvrdou prací se rychle vypracoval.

    Right, only rozpracuju je colloquial, in Standard Czech: rozpracuji.
  8. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Děkuji eso
    Skončil jsem práce v šest, abych mohl přijít doma včas.
    Jak se používá dopracovat česky? Mohl bys to použit v větě?

    odpracuje to spravou auta=literally, by the repair of the car?
    Každodenní tvrdou prací=literally, daily by hard work?

    So in these cases you do not put the vverb form in the instrumental case?
    English construct of that would by=
    By working hard every day...
    But we could also say
    Every day with hard work...
    To si budu pamatovat.
    Máš pravdu, první nebo původně plan zní líp než druhý.
    Aha, už chapu.
    Seděl na lavičce
    Sedl si na lavičku.
    Got any questions about english? Please ask.
  9. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    Druhý in scrimshaw´s sentence was probably the other one translated into Czech; therefore it might be "ten druhý". However, první or původní is definitely much more appropriate here.
  10. eso

    eso Well-Known Member

    Skončil jsem práci v šest, abych mohl přijít domů včas.

    Tenhle projekt ještě potřebuje dopracovat -
    This project still needs more changes to complete.

    Když jsem dopracoval poslední změny...
    When I finished last changes...

    Dopracovat se:
    Dopracoval se k uznání - He come to an acnowledgement.

    Common phrase: Tys to dopracoval! = something like "Why! You met a sticky end" - I'm not sure about translation to English.

    oprava = repair
    správa - maintenance, management
    (Don't confuse with zpráva = message)


    Thanks, I will. My English certainly needs many improvements, because I learn it from books, movies and tv series and not from studies (so my grammar sucks :).
  11. MK

    MK Well-Known Member

    Maybe: "by daily hard work" suits it better

    Q: Jak se stal bohatým? (How he became rich?)
    A: Každodenní trvdou prací. (By daily hard work)

    Simple test: What "každopádně" means? :wink:
  12. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Please do!! I would be very glad to contribute something here, instead of
    just getting help.

    Moje anglické mluvnice není pravě vynikající, ale určitě jsem schopen nabidnout něco.
    Tehle forum mi už moc pomohl.
    Ještě máme ale otazky, samozrrejmě.
    Které jsou slovesa, co jen můžou používat budu, budeš, atd, v budoucnosti.

    Moct,muset,smět, mít, chtit, bat se, líbit se, prat si?
    citit se,
    The book calls them states of being, but I cannot think of examples of such verbs.
    I know budu,budeš atd can be used with imperfective, but I am talking about verbs that can be put in future ONLY with help of budu,budeš atd.

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