I need help translating this letter. Prosim:?

Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by Beretta03, Nov 3, 2005.

  1. Beretta03

    Beretta03 Active Member

    I was wondering if someone could please help me translate this message I recieved from a friend of mine in Liberec. I tried using a Cesky to Anglicky dictionary to translate but I was onlt to find a few words.

    jsem ráda, ¾e jsi mi napsal.
    Chybí mi, ¾e zde nemohu tak èasto mluvit anglicky.
    Promiò mi prosím chyby v dopise.
    Pozdravuj od nás nové rodièe (Heather a Marka).
    Byli jsme s Jardou v Liberci na setkání z English campu.
    Bylo to velmi pøíjemné.
    Udìlali jsme si výlet na Je¹tìt a byl tu velmi silný vítr.

    Já mám v práci novou vedoucí a musím si na ni zvyknout.
    Od dvacátého záøí jsem tetou.
    Jak ti to jde v práci?
    Jaké má¹ záliby (koníèky - horses)?

    Pøeji ti krásný den!
  2. gementricxs

    gementricxs Well-Known Member

    Can you correct the words with hacek and carka?? Or at least post it without hacek and carka. Thank , it will be better to read and to translate. thanks
  3. Beretta03

    Beretta03 Active Member

    I am very sorry but I do not have any idea what carka or hacek is or are.
    Sorry :(
  4. Viktor

    Viktor Well-Known Member

    I'm glad ???????? that you wrote me.

    I miss ????????? that I can't at least ???????? speak English

    Forgive ??????? I beg your forgiveness for my errors (spelling) in the letter

    Greedings from us to the new birth ????????? (Heather & Marka)

    We were with Jarda in Liberec to the reminessing from the English camp

    It was very ???????????????

    Ud and ???????. we took a hike/trip to ??????????????????? and it was very windy -- very strong wind -- there

    At work I've a new supervisor and I've to get used to her

    From the 20th ?????????? and am an aunt now

    How is it going at your work

    What kind ??????? killed (??????????????-horses)

    ?????????? (whish?) you a beautifull day
  5. gementricxs

    gementricxs Well-Known Member

    OK, never mind.
    Čárka is the line above letter (a - á)
    Háček is the strange symbol above letter (r - ř)

    If you got the email with the strange symbols, which you posted here (¾e ) you have bad coding of webbrowser or something like that (I think Ladis can help here more)

    Anyway I rewrited your letter to Czech. Here is it:

    Jsem ráda, že jsi mi napsal.
    Chybí mi, že zde nemohu tak často mluvit anglicky.
    Promiň mi prosím chyby v dopise.
    Pozdravuj od nás nové rodiče (Heather a Marka).
    Byli jsme s Jardou v Liberci na setkání z English campu.
    Bylo to velmi příjemné.
    Udělali jsme si výlet na Ještěd a byl tu velmi silný vítr.

    Já mám v práci novou vedoucí a musím si na ni zvyknout.
    Od dvacátého září jsem tetou.
    Jak ti to jde v práci?
    Jaké máš záliby (koníčky - horses)?

    Přeji ti krásný den!

    English translation:

    I'm glad that you wrote me.
    I miss the opportunity to speak English here more often.
    Sorry for mistakes in my letter.
    Tell Hi from to new parents (Heather and Mark). (?)
    We were with Jarda at Liberec at English Camp meeting.
    It was very pleasant.
    We had small trip to Ještěd Hill, but there was very strong wind.
    I have new supervisor at work and I have to used to her.
    I'm aunt since 20th September.
    How was it going at your job?
    What's your hobbies?
    (in czech hobbies = záliby, koníčky - and koníčky means horses) - it's the reason why she wrote horses in the bracket
    Have a good day.
  6. Beretta03

    Beretta03 Active Member

    Thank you very much to all of you who have helped me. You guys are good. It has taken me a week just to count to thirty and say boli me hlava. Take Care

    Pozdrav Pan Bůh
  7. gementricxs

    gementricxs Well-Known Member

    Yeah, Czech is very hard. But it's good if you have native teacher or the best is to be in Czech rep.

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