Karl's Bridge Statues

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous (Czech-Related)' started by Viktor, Jun 28, 2005.

  1. Viktor

    Viktor Well-Known Member

    About 4-5 months ago, someone on this forum was looking for photos of "ALL" the statues on Karls' Bridge. I replied that I was traveling to CZ in a few months, with intentions of photographing the subject matter.

    Well, I'm back, and have photographed them all (twice on different days) and you --WHO EVER YOU ARE -- are welcome to them if still interested. All I need is a eMail address, so I may attach them. Hope you have a high speed connection, if not it's going to be hours for the download. Also, I can put them on a CD, but you'll have to reinburse me for the postage..

    Send me a PM with you address, and I'll galdly share the photos with you.

  2. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member


    The woman in question was SandyB (see Charles Bridge statue photos needed). Apparently, she needed them in April, so I don't know if she'll reply. In the future, if you use the handy Search feature at the top of the page, you can find previous posts more easily.
  3. Viktor

    Viktor Well-Known Member


    Thanks for the hint. Sorry, but I did not get back from CZ until the end of May 05. Anyway, the original statures are in a vey sad condition --sutt so heavy, that they are almost black - and the photos need quite a bit of work to get the detail sharp, beside croping (I put that on my need to do project list). Anyway, I have them, if she or anyone else needs them, here they are.

  4. czechchris

    czechchris Well-Known Member

    I was so disappointed at seeing the state of the statues on the bridge when I was there last.
    The dirt was thick, some were broken, the inscription on the crucifixion statue was broken and partly missing.

    As the bridge is one of the premier tourist attractions, I would have thought that the authorities would have prioritized their care.
  5. Viktor

    Viktor Well-Known Member

    There is a complete abandonment by the authorities on the Bridge and tourists are left on their own, to do as they like which with this national treasure. case in point, as I stand in front to the Napoleon statue -- waiting for the heads to clear, so I can get a clear shot -- It became apparent what the commotion was -- Seems bus load after bus load of Freanchmem rush to the statue, with the goal to "touch the brass inscription plates" on both side, right and left:'"For good luck!"

    Well this may be a tourist guide established myth, but this activity is wearing out and completly destroying the inscriptions -- noticeble by , the "shiny spots, almost gold like" on a deterriorated and corroted naval brass plates.

    At closer inspection one case see the indentetion caused by "sweaty acidic" fingers eating the brass away (this is not time/elements caused corrosion. But rather 100'sK idiots touching the spot daily) .If the authorities do not act soon --like putting a "do not touch" sign, and a 2.500Kw live wire in the back(LOL) -- there will be only holes in the brass plates soon.

    This destructive activity is encouragesd by Czech Tourist Guides in their quest to entretain their clients, and no Police Officer around to put a stop to this deastuctive activity, for he/she is too busy collecting "jay walking fees" from the tourists who can not wait for the trafic light to change at Krizovinka. Why ptotect public propriety, if you can slip a few easy Kc's in the pocket for the kids future education?

  6. KJP

    KJP Well-Known Member

    The real statues for the Charles Bridge are not on the Charles Bridge! They exist in a crypt in Vysehrad
  7. magan

    magan Well-Known Member

    Wow, I didn't know that...really?? Please elaborate...curious minds want to know more.
  8. Ani

    Ani Well-Known Member

    It's true, it's an amazing place called the Gorlice. I was taken there by a Czech friend, and we went down this long narrow passage under the fort, it was very cold and the last bit was in the dark, so that our guide could suddenly turn on the light and we were in a very large high roofed area with some of the statues all around us. Forgive me if I don't remember exactly how many there were but this was more than 4 years ago :D A truly wonderful experience.
  9. mravenec

    mravenec Well-Known Member

    Most statues were replaced or put there in the 18th century, they did not belong to the original 13th century bridge structure. They were attached in the 16th century and were increasingly appreciated in the ongoing barockisation of Prague in the 17th and 18th century.
  10. magan

    magan Well-Known Member

    Ani, great information. Gorlice area is underground in area of VYSEHRAD in Prague. You get there by Metro to station Vysehrad and then walk.
    sory, I couldn't find info in English only in Czech.

    Speaking about Charles Bridge - I recommend going there at night. It is magical, uch less tourists than in daytime. Have seen many excited tourists around taking photos in dark (!!??). Very cute, don't blame them and hope that picturest turn out great.

    P.S. public toilets at the Old Town end of Charles Bridge 10 Kc/pee.

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