Looking for information on Last name of Pelosi or Chimich (Chimics)

Discussion in 'Looking for Ancestors' started by Betty Hood, Mar 8, 2020.

  1. Betty Hood

    Betty Hood New Member

    My Grandmother Mary Pelosi came to America in the early 1900 on a ship. She met my Grandfather on the ship his name was George Chimich (Chimics) and got married, they had 9 boys and 3 girls and lived in Berlinsville, PA. My Grandson has informed me he would like to travel to Czech to see if he could find my grandparents family. My Grandmother had a sister and her family living behind the Iron Curtin, the letters she would receive had words or groups of words cut out. We don't know where she lived, but if anyone knows of people with the above last names would be great.
  2. Dana

    Dana Well-Known Member

    Hi Betty,

    The last name Pelosi looks Italian to me. It is not of Czech origin. I'm not able to decipher the last name Chimich. It may have been written down incorrectly by the U.S. immigration officer when your grandfather entered the United States - as so often happened back then. It almost sounds Croatian to me (Čimić).

  3. Betty Hood

    Betty Hood New Member

    I know for sure my Grandmother was from the Czech Republic do to the fact of her sister lived behind the iron curtin and the letters she would receive. Also she only spoke Slovak very little English and cooked only food from there. But my Grandfather spoke 5 different languages and he came from an area that at one time was part of Russia and may still be. There are two spellings of his last named either Chimics or Chimich my Uncles, Aunts and my Mother used either spellings.

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