Nohavica - Darmoděj and other songs

Discussion in 'Multimedia' started by Karel_lerak, Aug 30, 2007.

  1. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Shew!!! (Potil jsem se) I am glad I didn't completely lose the meaning of the song. :D

    Can you tell me what another interpretation of 'needles' might be in that song? I do not see it.

    Jen jsem dočetl kratká osnova 'Pied Piper of Hamelin' na wikipedia.
    To skvělé zdroj informace, co nabíze všechno.

    Líbí se mi písničky, v kterých musíme použít naše představivost.

    The meaning is left up to the imagination. And everybody might get something different out of it.
  2. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Aha...I get it!!!

    jehly se slovníkem...(evil hidden in sweet words)(possibly music)(like that beautiful note of the Pied Piper that lured the children).

    revision....'a chytl za kabát'
    instead of...and he was clutching his coat
    I should have said...and I grabbed him by his coat

    Many ways to interpret it. I like songs that make you think.
  3. fabik317

    fabik317 Well-Known Member

    of course, but they were much harder to come by than today, the media didn't inform about it etc.
  4. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Snažil jsem rozumět oknům na začatek, dřív než Nohavice začíná zpivat.

    ''Písnička, kterou jsem začinal 'folkloriko toč'(Folk tour?)....devátnáct........... podobě patří na tento koncert určitě. Peace and Darmoděj.
  5. Troll

    Troll Well-Known Member

    ''Písnička, kterou jsem začínal Folkový kolotoč v roce 1982 v březnu v Kulturním domě v Porubě patří na tento koncert určitě. Píseň Darmoděj."


    "... Peace'n'Darmoděj." :)
  6. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Děkuji za překlad.
    Byl jsem trochu hloupý s tím pokusem.

    Snažil jsem se porozumět slovům(oknům????!!!) na začatku, dříve než Nohavica začíná zpívat.
    My ears do not pick up all those sounds, but with your translation, now I can hear them if I listen closely.

    Cítím se trochu špatný, že jsem přeložil tu písničku v tak negativním způsobu. Je to positivní písnička a nějak jsem v ni zvládl dočist něco negativního.

    I like the idea of the Pied Piper.
  7. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    krásné zlo jed mám pod jazykem
    in this sentence
    Krásné zlo is like an adjective?
    A beautiful evil poison I have under my tongue

    and why in the second verse
    does he say he wants the answers to his questions...otázky
    but then when he repeats, it is simply
  8. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    No, the sentence is:

    krásné (← nom →) zlo jed (← acc) [m] pod jazykem

    It’s confusing because the nominative and accusative of “jed” are identical, and because of the unusual word order. A more common word order is:

    krásné zlo má pod jazykem jed (= a beautiful evil has poison under its tongue)
  9. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Thanks for that explanation. That clears up my confusion.
    Krásné a noun

    So I could also say...Někde i krása má pod jazykem jed.
  10. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    I meany 'někdy' of course. I am bad about that.

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