please translate

Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by bobishere, Dec 14, 2005.

  1. bobishere

    bobishere Member

    -no - a zijem, v piatok poobede ma pustili aj domov, ale veru neviem kedy sa dostanem do prace. ....lezkam, citam, lustim krizovky, och-kam, a motam sa po byte (=chodim ako kacica) vzdy max. hodinu-dve a som unavena ako keby som zabehla maraton - cize potom padam do postele a spim . citim sa ako invalid.

    no. toz teda moje novinky. ...ale musim uznat, ze v nemocnici som sa aj vela nasmiala - velmi zlaty personal, a hlavne - chodil ma pravidelne obzerat 7-clenny team doktorov!!!!!! (z toho 6 mladych sympatakov! (normalne si nadavam ze som sa pytala domov tak skoro - jeden z nich bol ozaj veeeelmi "cute")).

    len nasich som chudatka velmi vyplasila, lebo mi telefon aj vsetko zobrali v stredu podvecer, a kym som ho mala pri sebe, aj tak som nemala signal - a dostala som ho naspet az vo stvrtok poobede, tak vobec nevedeli co je so mnou, len sa mi nevedeli dovolat.

    a tak. . . dufam ze som ta neunudila k smrti, ale musela som sa podelit o novy zazitok (prvy raz v nemocnici...).
  2. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member

    [BTW, the text is in Slovak, not Czech. This is a loose translation, as my Slovak is rusty! :? ]

    On Friday afternoon they let me go home, but I don't really know when I will get back to work. I lie in bed, read, solve crossword puzzles, complain, stumble around the apartment (I walk like a duck) always no more than an hour or two and I am tired like I just ran a marathon - then I fall into bed and sleep. I feel like an invalid.

    Well, I have some news, ... but I must admit, that in the hospital I didn't smile/laugh much - [I'm] quite a golden personality - a seven-member team of doctors regularly came to check up on me!!!!!! (of those 6 were handsome young men! (Normally I would swear that I tried to come home quickly - one of them was really veeeery cute)).

    It was very scary for my family, because they took my telephone and everything else on Wed. evening, and when I had it [my phone] with me, I didn't have a signal - and I only got it back on Thurs. afternoon, so they didn't know what was happening with me, only that they didn't know how to get through to [call] me.

    So ... I hope I haven't bored you to death, but I had to share my new experience (first time in a hospital ...).
  3. crossczech

    crossczech Active Member

    let me pls correct the translation of second paragraph: it on contrary says
    ...I have to admit I also laughed a lot in the hospital. The staff being really golden [lit., meaning something like heart of gold], and most of all - I was regularly inspected by a 7 member team of doctors (6 of those young handsome men)! I am now sorry I insisted on going home [from the hospital] so soon, one of them was really cute.

    2 notes, 1: I still do not know how difficult/easy it is for forreigners speaking czech to understand slovak, but i must admire Sova's translation anyway.
    2: sorry for my czenglish :-]
  4. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member

    crossczech: You don't normally "inspect" someone at a hospital, but rather something (in English, we just don't use that word in that context, although it's understandable). I think my translation there was more accurate. Thanks for the corections on the other sentences. In the first sentence I misread "nasmiala" as "nesmiala" :oops: The last sentence I just misunderstood.

    Normally, I'm not much of a translator, although usually I understand well enough.

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