Plzak Family: Chrast & Plzen

Discussion in 'Looking for Ancestors' started by czech diva, Oct 13, 2004.

  1. czech diva

    czech diva New Member

    Anyone familiar with any family members of Jozef Plzak, born in 1920/21 in Chrast, moved as a boy with his parents Frantisek and Ruzenka to Plzen, and left country circa 1947-48? Thank you!
    Vi nekdo o rodine Jozefa Plzaka, narozen v Chrasti v 1920/21, odstehoval z rodicemi jako chlapec do Plzne, otec Frantisek/matka Ruzenka; odesel z CSR v 1947/48? Dekuju!
  2. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member

    It will be difficult to impossible to find someone on this site who knows this person. You may want to try the Czech online phonebook ( and look in the Plzensky kraj for the surname Plzak. I actually found one Plzak living in Chrast. Chrast isn't a big place, so you might get lucky.
  3. czech diva

    czech diva New Member

    Sovo; Thank you very much for your prompt reply! I will attempt to contact the person in Chrast. Is the address posted complete enough for mail from USA to Czech (with the exception of adding Czech Republic, of course ?) Dekuju! ! ! ! !
  4. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member

    You also need the postal (zip) code (330 03, for Chrast). Address the envelope this way:

    <Street Name> ##(street no./##(apt. no)
    330 03 Chrast
    Czech Republic

    Putting the country name on the last line is a requirement for the US Postal Service.

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