
Discussion in 'Culture' started by hawaiianchika, Mar 9, 2005.

  1. hawaiianchika

    hawaiianchika Member

    Does anyone have any good Czech quotes???
  2. Eva2

    Eva2 Well-Known Member

    You mean proverbs? The only ones I can think of right now are: "Speaking is silver, silence is gold" and "Lazy mouth is a sheer disaster". Czech wisdom seems to be of a controversial nature.
  3. uuspoiss

    uuspoiss Well-Known Member

    Hm, this is the second saying this week that I have discovered which is allegedly of Czech origin, but which I have always thought to be Estonian. The first one was "Every man must plant a tree, build a house and raise a child", introduced as being Czech in Tim Nollen's Culture Shock book. Weird.

    As for quotes as in quotes from literature, there's always the classics:
    Tak nám zabili Ferdinanda... :)
  4. frany71

    frany71 Member

    I just wanted to specify that the origin of the proverb "speech is silver, silence is gold" is far from being sure. Among the several European languages which use this proverb, last research shows that it first appeared in German, then in English, and in Czech afterwards. Some other experts even claim that it has some oriental origin. The proverb might have appeared for the first time in Egypt.
  5. szarkafarka

    szarkafarka Well-Known Member

    It is comparable with Latin:

    Silentium signum sapientiae, loquacitas signum stultitiae.

    (Silence is a sign of wisdom, loquacity a sign of stupidity.)


    Silentium omnia bona continet, mala omnia loquacitas.
  6. Dana

    Dana Well-Known Member

    Here are a few, not necessarily of Czech origin, but common in Czech:

    Kdo jinému jámu kopá, sám do ní padá.
    He who digs a hole for someone, will fall in it himself.

    Co můžeš udělat dnes, neodkládej na zítřek.
    Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

    Dvakrát měř, jednou řež.
    Measure twice, cut once.

    Host do domu, Bůh do domu.
    A guest in your home is like a God in your home.

    And a modified version of the above: :)
    Host do domu, hůl do ruky.
    If a guest comes to your home, grab a stick.

    Hloupý kdo dává, hloupější kdo nebere.
    He who gives is foolish, he who doesn't accept is even more so.

    Co je doma, to se počítá.
    What's at home, counts.

    Bez peněz do hospody nelez.
    Don't go to the pub with no money.

    Kdo se moc ptá, moc se dozví.
    He who asks too much will learn too much.

    Stokrát nic umořilo osla.
    A hundred times nothing killed the donkey.

    And those that Eva2 posted:

    Mluviti stříbro, mlčeti zlato.
    Speaking is silver, silence is gold.

    Líná huba, holé neštěstí.
    A lazy mouth is a sheer disaster.

    And many more...
  7. uuspoiss

    uuspoiss Well-Known Member

    In the Estonian version of this, we have to measure nine times for some reason...

    We have the same saying again, but with a more recent addition:
    Don't put today's duties off till tomorrow, for there is always the day after. :)
  8. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member

    One of my favorites:

    "Bez práce, nejsou koláče."
    Without work, there are no koláče (pastries).
  9. iluvuma1

    iluvuma1 Well-Known Member

    Okay, I feel dense-

    I'm enjoying the proverbs very much , but will someone explain what this one means:

    Kdo jinému jámu kopá, sám do ní padá.
    He who digs a hole for someone, will fall in it himself.

    Is this something like "watch out for yourself." Or not to be too generous?
  10. Halef

    Halef Well-Known Member

    No, the "hole" is meant as trap here. Means - if you prepare something bad for someone, it will happen to you.
  11. hawaiianchika

    hawaiianchika Member

    Thanks guys for the proverbs! :lol: Can any one give me some actual quotes though??? Or even (if known) the person who first said one of the proverbs!!!
    Thanks again!
  12. Halef

    Halef Well-Known Member

    What exactly do you mean with "quotes"?
  13. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    Maybe something like "Hliník se odstěhoval do Humpolce"?
  14. fabik317

    fabik317 Well-Known Member

    hehe, or: "Mně by jen zajímalo, kde udělali soudruzi z NDR chybu."
  15. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    Or a classical one "Šťastná to žena" vs a modern one "Co se budu s babou párat". I think there are many and many more...
  16. Dana

    Dana Well-Known Member

    Probably "citáty".

    Co je to štěstí? Muška jenom zlatá!
    What is happiness? Just a golden little fly!

    hawaiianchika, if you're fine with quotes from Czech movies, we can all go wild here. :)
  17. kotja

    kotja Member

    Vyhodíš-li ho dveřmi vrátí se ti oknem

    If you throw him through door, he returuns through window.

    And thats why were so many defenestrations in Czech kingdo :D
  18. dzurisova

    dzurisova Well-Known Member

    You guys are still giving proverbs. A quote (in this context) is a saying by someone that has lasted throughout the years. For instance, some of my favorite quotes:

    "America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves"- Abraham Lincoln

    "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." – Benjamin Franklin

    "The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God." John F. Kennedy

    "The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

    The author of this forum is asking for famous Czech quotes.
  19. eso

    eso Well-Known Member

    I see - proverb = přísloví, quote = citát

    Here we go:

    Karel Čapek:

    Království lhářství není tam, kde se lže, ale tam, kde se lhářství akceptuje.
    Kingdom of lies isn't place, where people lying, but where lying is acceptable.

    Humor je solí země. Kdo je jím dobře prosolený, vydrží dlouho čerstvý.
    Humor is salt of the earth. Who is well salted, stays fresh for a long time.

    T. G. Masaryk:

    Dobrého je v řádu světa víc; ale to zlé člověk cítí silněji.
    There is more good things in the world than bad, but people feel bad things more intensely.

    Jan Neruda:

    Vším bych chtěl být, jen ne budoucností; co se od té, ubohé, požaduje, je už skoro nestydaté.
    I would like to be everything but future. It's almost shameless, what people want from it, poor thing.

    Bude-li každý z nás z křemene, je celý národ z kvádrů.
    If everyone from us will be from quartz, then all nation will be from stone blocks.

    Český duch může sice na čas bloudit, rozmach mohutného jeho křídla může ho zanést někdy třeba až na kraj světa, ale k pivu vrátí on se najisto vždycky zase!
    Czech spirit can loose its way, upswing of his mighty wing can carry it away to edge of the world, but for sure it will come back to its beer again!

    Karel Havlíček Borovský:

    Tak to chodí na tom světě
    každou chvíli jinák,
    dneska ctí tě za svatého,
    zítra budeš sviňák.

    That's the way things are
    it's changing all the time
    Today they see you as the saint
    tomorow you are swine

    Kdo sám v sebe doufá, ten nejlepší podporu naleznul.
    Who believe in himself found the best recourse.
  20. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    I like that Reagan quote Katko.
    Thatś a good one for anyone I disagree with about any matter.
    The trouble with economists isn't that they're ignorant, it's that they know so much that isn't true.

    I like this quote
    Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed to so few by so many.
    I can't remember the words exactly in czech.
    Nikdy na poli lidské konfliktu nedlužil tak mnoho lidé tak moc tak málem.

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