
Discussion in 'General Language' started by scrimshaw, Jan 16, 2008.

  1. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Přivlastňovací zájmena...possessive pronouns
    Wonder if I have translated these right.

    Zkuste si také náš test:..And try for yourself our test
    (Verze pro tisk)

    1. O vaší zahradě jsem toho mnoho slyšel.
    I have heard alot about your garden,
    2. Na naše třídu nikdo nemá.
    3. Mou práci nikdy neodbývám.
    4. Jel se autobusem s tvou matkou.
    I went there by train with your mother.
    5. Jejího úsměvu se nemohu nabažit.
    I can never tire of her smile.
    6. Viděl jsem to svýma očima.
    I saw it with my own eyes.i
    7. Bavili se o jejich kamarádovi.
    We feared for her friends.
    8. Nìkdo odvedl tvého psa.
    Nobody took your dog........why is that not 'neodvedl'?(maybe that's an error by test preparer)
    9. Bojím se o jeho zdraví.
    I'm afraid for his health.
    10. Cení si mých nápadů.
    He appreciates my ideas(is appreciative of my ideas)
  2. Alexx

    Alexx Well-Known Member

    There are some more errors, I'll try to correct the czech part, and give you all more time to solve:
    * Sentece is gramatically correct, but we would say "Viděl jsem to na (své) vlastní oči" (idiom)
  3. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

  4. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

    "Viděl jsem to svýma očima" has slightly different meaning:
    I have seen it from my point of view.
  5. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    Train is usually translated as vlak.
  6. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Ok, thanks....I see the idioms and colloquialisms now.

    Viděl jsem to svýma očima
    Přeji si, abys to viděla mými očima.
    To bych ani neuvěřil, ale to jsem viděl na (své) vlastní oči.

    Na naši třidě nikdo nemá.
    We can say the same
    Nobody has anything on our class.(our class is the best)

    Svou prácí nikdy neodbývám.
    I always do a good job at work??
    I am never a slacker at work?
    I think I get it.

    Někdo(ne nikdo) odvedl mého psa.
    Someone took my dog.

    oh yea, :oops:
    Bavili se o jejích kamarádovi...They talked about their friends
    Nebali se o mé kamarády....They were afraid for my friends.
    Bali se mých kamarádách..They were afraid of my friends.
  7. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Jano, máš pravdu.
    I was concentrating I guess more on the grammar than the comprehension.
  8. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

  9. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    Yep, this is a figurative expression – you can use it even for somebody else’s perspective:

    Zkus se na to podívat jeho očima.
  10. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Nenávidím to, když se to ani nepokoušíš vidět mýma očima.
    Kdybys se to jen pokoušla vidět mýma očima, pochopla bys proč dělám, co dělám.
    Zkus se na to podívat oči někdo jiného. Potom uvidíš to světlo.
    Žiješ tam v svém dokonalém životě a nerozumíš tomu, co je skutečný svět.

    Kdybych to nevěděl na vlastní oči, nikdy bych to neuvěřil.
    Věděl jsem letající taliř a malé zelené muže.
  11. GlennInFlorida

    GlennInFlorida Well-Known Member

    well... I've never seen flying saucers with little green men...
    they were always grey :wink:
  12. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    You've seen them too Glenn? :lol:
    It is really hard to stay on topic, isn't it?
    I should try another of those tests.
    The tests are found on a link posted here about zájmena.
    You should look through it. Not sure which post I found it under though.
  13. GlennInFlorida

    GlennInFlorida Well-Known Member

    seen them? some of my friends think I am one of them :lol:
    thanks for the tip about the tests - I'll take a hunt for them
  14. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Another basic mistake...
    I meant of course, Viděl (ne věděl) jsem je na vlastní oči.

    Další zkouška

    Zkuste si toto naše cvičení:...try for yourself this exercise
    (Verze pro tisk)

    Doplòte správný tvar zájmena:
    1. Nechce se mi učit.
    He doesn't want to learn from me.
    2. O nich nepadlo ani slovo.
    Not even one word ocurred to them?
    3. Mamince se polévka povedla, uvařila ji dobře.
    She brought a soup to mom, she had cooked it well.
    4. Srdečnì vás vítáme.
    From the bottom of our heart we welcome you.
    5. Bylo nám potěšením.
    It was our pleasure
    6. Tobě se to řekne.
    He will tell you.
    7. Pro mí za mí.
    Glenn, I will leave the rest for you.
    Just highlight it, and cut and paste it to new post.
    Hačky a šarky in the original test didn't format well.
    8. Dala ............... (on) jablko.
    9. .............. (ony) nic nepohne.
    10. Nedá bez ............... (ono) ani ránu.
    11. Starej se o .............. (se).
    12. Pùjèil ............... (ona) korunu.
    13. Dítì je opuštìné, nikdo se o ............... (ono) nestará.
    14. ............... (já) to nebaví.
    15. Nic o ............... (ona) nevím.
    16. Tady nejde o ............... (já)!
    17. Národ ............... (se).
    18. Bez ............... (oni) nemùžeme zaèít.
    19. Srdce ve ............... (já) prudce bije.
    20. S ................(vy) je to tìžké
  15. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

  16. Alexx

    Alexx Well-Known Member

    There was some errors, I hope it is correct now. Enjoy :).

    It is very hard exercise I guess, here you have correct (I hope so) answers (white on white):

  17. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Uuuf, I didn't do so well on that test either. :?

    Nechce se mi (něco udělat)...I missed that idiom
    Nepadlo o nich v naši diskuse ani slovo.....Hmm, broad meaning of padat
    Mamince se pořád polevky povede. Na její polevky nikdo nemá.
    Jim se to řekne, protože tam nebyli.
    Mně to nevadí. Pro mě za mě.

    Ty významy těch větách mi nenapadli.

    Bez Glenn nemůžeme skončit.
    Srdce ve mně prudce bije.
  18. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Glenn je nepřitomný, tak....

    8. Dala mu čerstvé jablko.
    9. Jimi nic nepohne....Nothing stirs them? Nothing works them up?
    10. Nedá bez toho ani ránu.?????
    11. Starej se o sobě.,,,,Look after yourself.
    12. Půjčil jí korunu. ....she loaned her a crown
    13. Dítě je opuštěné, nikdo se o něm nestará. The child is alone, nobody is watching him,
    14. Mně to nebaví. It doesn't amuse me.
    15. Nic o ni nevím.....I don't know anything about her.
    16. Tady nejde o mně! It's not about me!
    17. Národ se....... Get up!
    18. Bez ji nemůžeme začít. ..We can't start without her.
    19. Srdce ve mně prudce bije. ....The heart in me beats hot.(ly)
    20. S vami je to těžké....It's hard with you(you are difficult)
  19. Alexx

    Alexx Well-Known Member

  20. Alexx

    Alexx Well-Known Member

    Right answers again (white on white):

    But do not want me to explain why :). I allways had sixth sense for czech language at school, so I usually did not learned those dozens of gramatical rules for it.

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