Retirement age

Discussion in 'Culture' started by Ctyri koruny, Apr 9, 2009.

  1. Ctyri koruny

    Ctyri koruny Well-Known Member

    People have told me that it's 60 for women and 62 for men here.. I'm not able to understand (even after the best attempts at explanation from my friends) why women can retire earlier.

    So I'm interested in seeing what you guys think?
    And do you agree with it? It seems unfair to me.
    Unfair practically on men (who have to work longer even though they usually die younger) and unfair morally on women (why should we be treated with kid gloves?)

    This, you understand, is not any kind of criticism, I just don't understand the reasons behind it, that's all. I know the maternity/paternity leave system here is fantastic and it's quite nice people can retire so young as well, I'm just wondering why is there this inequality in retirement age?
  2. Petronela

    Petronela Well-Known Member

    It’s always been my understanding that this rule takes into account the fact that childbirth takes it’s toll on woman’s body. True, not as much these days as it used to but it still does. Plus (not sure if still there) but there used to be “credit” for each live birth up to certain number, so women with many children were able to retire even sooner then women with fewer or none. (not sure if it’s still applicable)
    It also makes sense from political point of view, with overall birthrate down in all modern countries, giving women incentive to have more children is always good for benefits of future generation.
    Maybe it’s just one more antiquated law which needs to be overturned or maybe Czechs are on to something :) If I still lived there I don't think I would complain :wink:
  3. bibax

    bibax Well-Known Member

  4. Dannae

    Dannae Well-Known Member

    Ctyri koruny: this inequality in retirement age exists but there are more inequalities also. Women at the same position (and same experience) make less money than men for instance.

    Yes, I would agree to wipe ALL those inequaties once for all :wink:.
  5. Ctyri koruny

    Ctyri koruny Well-Known Member

    I am glad it is being done away with!

    One step at a time.

    Maybe it is my imagination, or just the people i know, but men and women seem to have very clearly defined roles here.

    Do you guys think there is any difference between this here and in other countries?

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