Czech ladies values....

Discussion in 'Culture' started by moonkissedsea, Jul 3, 2008.

  1. moonkissedsea

    moonkissedsea New Member

    Ahoj!! hi there all.
    Ive recently ish met a wonderful Czech lady living here in the UK local to me which we have developed a great freindship for a few months now & very close but no romance at the moment. She knows how I feel but shes said she likes to get to know someone first.

    Just would like some guidelines as to what values are commen and important to Czech ladies around the 28 years old.

    many thanks
  2. Yerusalyim

    Yerusalyim Well-Known Member

    A lot will depend on where in Czech she was raised, whether in Prague or Ostrava or Brno, or if she was raised in the country. I'll let the ladies themselves speak about what is important to them. I know that my Czech lady expects me to be a man. She is 22 but a very traditional woman who expects me to work and pay the bills, she thinks her place is taking care of the household and raising the kids, she does not expect, but appreciates when I help with the housework and the children. After the children are in school she wants to work outside the home.

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