A typical czech

Discussion in 'Culture' started by MissHoyle, Jul 23, 2008.

  1. MissHoyle

    MissHoyle Member

    After skimming through these boards, as well as other places, I've learned this:

    Cold surface
    Hard to get to know, but once a friend, a friend for life
    Dark humour
    Has a "don't care right now attitude"
    A little chaotic

    Is this right?
    What things are typical characteristics for a czech?

    I also read that even native czechs should watch their things, as it gets easily stolen. Is this true?

  2. MK

    MK Well-Known Member

    One month old post and no answer here :shock:

    Every man is unique. Generalizations works for people not for single man. But lets give it try.

    My biased try:

    Cold surface
    Do not thing so.
    Czechs act usually formal before they know each other better. Exagerrating and faking warmly feelings is not liked among czechs so for somebody who is accustomed to "be allways very friendly from the beginning" it can look like cold surface. In some countries it is "the norm" but in CZ it is rather something like "be polite in the beginning and lately .. you will see :)"

    Hard to get to know, but once a friend, a friend for life
    Czechs do not speak to much about yourselves. It is counted selfish. Maybe it is the reason why czech are slow starters :)

    "once a friend" - with faking friendship out of social norm and with starting friendship only when you know somebody better it usually means "once a real friend" When real friend then friend for life, nothing exceptional with czechs here. :)

    I hope so but I am biased. Worry there are nations which are much more polite. :cry:

    Worry so. Nothing excessive, but it is present in our minds.

    Dark humour
    Yes, still not to much above european average.

    "There is some cleverness, ingenuity and wit in Czech people" suits czechs better. :wink:

    Has a "don't care right now attitude"
    If so then I am not aware of it.

    A little chaotic
    Once I read comparison of Czechs and Germans in handling projects. It resulted with finding that each nation has different level of what is counted to be self-evident.
    Authors described how Germans needs almost everything pre planned and written on the paper before they start the project. On the other side Czechs do not like to mess time with obvious things and (comparing to Germans) for typical Czech is obvious much more things.
    Final recommendation was that the parties should allways keep in mind nation manners of other party otherwise they end with Germans considering Czechs chaotic and czechs considering Germans simple.

    So not little chaotic, but "larger set of obvious thing" it is. No wonder:"There is some cleverness, ingenuity and wit in Czech people" :wink:

    No chance for Czech to get on the TOP 10 list of most Anarchic nations. Top places on the list were allready taken by southern nations.
    Still theere are some traces of anarchy in czech nature - authorities taken lightly, rules taken rather like recommendation and not-observing evidently mistaken rules.

    Yes and no. Czechs are mainly "religionless" so they are immune to all hatred caused by religion.

    I also read that even native czechs should watch their things, as it gets easily stolen. Is this true?
    They watch their things so it means it can not be easily stolen. :D

    Robbery, murder, rape and other acts of violence are rare in CZ. Maybe it is compensated by higher level of thievery. Some people believe that gypsies are doing it but there are also czechs in prisons. Such statistics do not exists because nationality is personal thing. So it is hard to say who is doing it.

    I think that it is related to the low level of violent crimes. Criminals who robber stores or blackmail it owners in other countries in CZ do not commit violent acts they just take a van plus big pliers and stole bikes before stores or do something similar.

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