Help with Prefixes

Discussion in 'General Language' started by Ctyri koruny, Nov 15, 2009.

  1. Ctyri koruny

    Ctyri koruny Well-Known Member

    Kam jel Karel?

    Karel vyjel z garáže.

    Karel projel vodou

    Karel projel tunelu

    Karel vyjel kopec

    Karel sejel kopec

    Karel přejel mostem

    Karel zajel voda ... lak-0.html

    (karel has lots of cars and is sometimes invisible and/or female)
    I'm sure i made a lot of mistakes here with cases especially..
  2. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    All the prefixes are correct. :D

    But verbal rections and aspects are wrong.

    Nikam, Karel nese asi čaj. :D

    Nevyjel. Nebo vyjel, ale pak zase zajel zpět.

    You can’t use the perfective aspect unless the action is accomplished. This action is definitely not accomplished because the car is still in the garage.
    Teprve projíždí.

    Once again, aspect.
    Buď Karel couval, nebo tunelem teprve projede. (Aspect!)

    verbal rection:
    projet + instrumental
    projet + accusative
    To se ještě uvidí! (Aspect!)

    Ješte ne. (Aspect!)
    Vždyť je pořád na mostě. (Aspect!)

    verbal rection:
    přejet most
    přejet přes most
    přejet po mostě

    zajet vodu = run a water over (like “run a dog over”)
    Either with cases, or verbal rection. (Only you can say.)

    All the prefixed forms of the verb “jet” can use a direct object in accusative. The object is inseparable with the action – it can’t be used on its own. It often has some idiomatic meaning besides of the basic movement. When used for the basic movement the verb with the direct object has rather the meaning “to negotiate an obstacle”:

    projet tunel = to negotiate through a tunnel
    vyjet kopec = to negotiate a hill (uphill)
    sjet kopec = to negotiate a hill (downhill)
    přejet most = to negotiate a bridge

    The other option is to use an adverbial of place (or of direction). The adverbial is an additional information which could be separated from the verb and is in no way specific for the verb - you can (but needn’t) use it with all verbs of motion. This way is typically more natural:

    projet tunelem
    vyjet do kopce / na kopec
    sjet z/s kopce
    přejet přes most / po mostě

    Here, the mere instrumental means “through/via the inside of something”, so you can’t use it with a bridge unless there is some tube in it (like Prague Metro in the Nusle Bridge).

    I guess all the other adverbials of place (direction) are prepositional phrases or mere adverbs.
  3. Ctyri koruny

    Ctyri koruny Well-Known Member

    Thank you that was so helpful and detailed! Thank you!

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