CZ > EN "na odezvě z"

Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by rsalc1, Jul 4, 2009.

  1. rsalc1

    rsalc1 Well-Known Member

    This is from an article. I need help with the sentences highlighted in green.

    Saddám se nejvíc bál Íránu
    Saddám Husajn řekl, že měl z Íránu větší strach než z USA. Írán a Irák spolu v 80. letech vedly krvavou osmiletou válku a Husajn prý byl přesvědčen, že Teherán se dál snaží zabrat jižní, převážně šíitskou část Iráku.

    Saddam feared Iran most
    Saddam Hussein said that he feared Iran more than the US. Iran and Iraq (fought) a bloody eight-year war in the eighties and Hussein supposedly was convinced that Tehran was still trying to annex the Southern, mainly Shia, part of Iraq.

    "Strach z Íránu byl hlavním důvodem, proč Husajn nepustil do země zbrojní inspektory OSN," uvedl Piro. Iráckému diktátorovi víc záleželo na tom, aby Teherán neodhalil jeho slabost, než na odezvě ze strany USA a OSN.

    "Fear of Iran was the main reason why Hussein did not allow the UN inspectors into the country," declared Piro. It was more important(?) to the Iraqi dictator that Tehran wouldn't discover his weakness than __________ of the US and the UN.
  2. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    It was more important to the Iraqi dictator that Tehran wouldn't discover his weakness than the response of the US and the UN.

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