CZ > EN idnes news (2 words, 1 expression)

Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by rsalc1, Jul 5, 2009.

  1. rsalc1

    rsalc1 Well-Known Member

    I continue to translate news from to improve my Czech vocabulary.
    Below are excerpts of an article from
    I didn't understand the words in green font. Can someone help? :)

    Medveděv o řešení problematiky protiraketové obrany mluvil v souvislosti s možností pokročit při přípravě nové rusko-americké smlouvy o strategických zbraních.
    Podle Medveděva je nová americká vláda připravena jednat o problematice své protiraketové základny ve střední Evropě, kterou by podle představ Washingtonu vytvářel protiraketový radar na českém území a skupina protiraketových střel na polském území.

    Medvedev spoke about the solution of the problematic anti-missile defense in conjunction with the possibility to move forward with a preliminary new Russo-American accord on strategic defense.
    According to Medvedev, the new American administration is ready to discuss the issues of its anti-missile bases in Central Europe, which according to Washington's ideas (?) would constitute (?) an anti-missile radar in Czech territory and a group of anti-missile projectiles in Polish territory.

    "V poslední době jsem několikrát řekl, že jsme proti rozmístění příslušných sil protiraketové obrany v Polsku a v Česku," citovala agentura ITAR-TASS ruského prezidenta, který poskytl rozhovor italským žurnalistům.

    "Recently I said several times, that we are against the placement of ___________ ______ of anti-missile defense in Poland and in the CR", quoted ITAR-TASS the Russian president, who had granted an interview with an Italian journalist.
  2. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    ¹ I’m not sure of the meaning of the English adjective “problematic” but the Czech counterpart “problematický” is highly subjective. On the other hand, the Czech word “problematika” is neutral term for the difficulties inherent to something.

    Is there an equivalent English term “problematics”? Czech words ending in “-ika” mostly corresponds to English words ending in “-ics”.

    ¹ kterou - object; radar … a skupina … - subject
    There is no passive in the Czech original but you have to use it in English to revert the SVO order.

    ² představa = image, vision
    něčí představa = somebody’s plan/idea/concept/intent(ion) (for the future)

    ³ In Czech, Washington stays for US Administration like Bílý dům for US President or Kreml for Russian Government. I know it works the same way with White House and Kremlin in English, but I’m not sure about Washington.

    ¹ In this context, “příslušný” means “related to this context”, “the particular”, “the mentioned”, “in question”. But I think in English you could be fine with definite article.
  3. rsalc1

    rsalc1 Well-Known Member

    wer: thanks for the detailed explanation. You even pointed out some silly mistakes that I made by translating things word for word :?

    *** You are right: problematiky can be translated by "issues".

    **** I should have translated Washington with "the US Administration"

    ***** Oops... Italian journalists (plural, not singular) :oops:

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