Zuzana Soukupova( <<Hledam,Looking for)

Discussion in 'Make a Connection' started by nadia1, Sep 23, 2007.

  1. nadia1

    nadia1 New Member

    Ahoj tady Nada,(v Canade) hledam moji kamaradku v Cesku, jmenuje se Zuzana Soukupova. Jeji asi 40 nebo trosku vic. Spolu sme vyrustali az do toho dne kdy sem odjela do Kanady v roce 1975.

    Diky Nada

    Looking for an old friend in Czech Republic, the name is Zuzana Soukupova. She is about 40 or little older, we grew up together in Praha until I had to move to Canada with my mother and 2 brothers in(1975).

    Thank you , Nadia
  2. eso

    eso Well-Known Member

    I afraid it's too little information. There is 472 records for Soukup/Soukupová in Prague phone directory and 5 of Zuzana Soukupova. Do you remember address, where your friend lived? I suggest start there.
  3. Petr_B

    Petr_B Well-Known Member

    There's quite high probability that Zuzana got married and her surname is no longer Soukupova, so looking for Zuzana Soukupova might lead to nowhere. Unless Soukupova is her current name (she never got married, kept her maiden name or Soukupova is her married name), but from the context I think this is not the case?
  4. nadia1

    nadia1 New Member

    Hi and thank you both for your quick respond. :D .... I have looked in the Czech phone book directory and I have found Zuzana Soukupova's name at the same address where she used to live in the 1970's. In Praha 4. Thank you, , Nadia

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