the eighties

Discussion in 'Multimedia' started by Ájík, Aug 31, 2007.

  1. Ájík

    Ájík Well-Known Member

  2. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

    Proměny světa a tep lidských srdcí.
    A v každém zlomku tohoto času umírá člověk.
    Nebo se rodí.
    A vždycky je mu někdo nablízku.

    Můj čas je pouhopouhé prozatím
    Můj čas může říct: já už neplatím

    Rád, tak rád, bych žil
    A mám jen zbytek sil
    A času míň, než se mi zdálo před půlhodinou,

    Příteli chvátej, es ó es,
    Ať jsem i zítra čím jsem dnes
    Zbav mě tíhy mé, rány mé, co nejdřív

    Příteli chvátej, píšu vzkaz,
    Dej mi, co ztrácím, dej mi čas,
    Vrať mi víru mou, lásku mou, a té nejvíc.

    Z vlastního spánku můžeš krást,
    Jen času svého dej mi část,
    Boj s časem toužím tentokrát neprohrát

    Můj čas, to jsou jen chvilky takové,
    Můj čas se ocit ' v tísni časové,

    Rád bych zůstal živ,
    Chci dýchat jako dřív,
    A čekám dál, že přece ustrneš se nade mnou.

    Příteli, chvátej, es ó es,
    Ať jsem i zítra, čím jsem dnes,
    Vrať mi tísně mé, strasti mé, co nejdřív

    Příteli chvátej, píšu vzkaz,
    Dej mi, co ztrácím, dej mi čas,
    Vrať mi víru mou, lásku mou, a té nejvíc.

    Z vlastního spánku můžeš krást
    Jen času svého dej mi část,
    Společně můžem tentokrát neprohrát.

    Až budeš příště v tísni sám,
    Kus času svého já ti dám,
    A pomoc tvou ti zítra tím oplatím.
  3. doman

    doman Well-Known Member

    Diky pekne, Ajiku a Karle ! 8)

    I don't remember much about the music but Sanitka was very famous TV serials in the years of eighties, wasn't it ?
    Some scenes are very familiar to me !

    Thanks for the link !
  4. Ájík

    Ájík Well-Known Member

    Good work Karel

    but instead
    I would say "SOS" :lol:
  5. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

    I did consider it more instructive 8) :D

    look also at the parody

    I had problems with this verse:

    Z vlastního spánku můžeš krást,
    Jen času svého dej mi část,

    Does anybody know the correct spelling?
  6. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Really appreciate all these media clips and translations. The sound of the music is very reminiscent of the music in our 80's tv serials. Funny how that works.
    I notced in that series there were a lot of Jiřís. That must be a very common name.
  7. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Attempt at translation. Neat song.

    An uncertain world, a warm human heart
    and in each small piece of time a human dies.
    Or is born.
    And always someone is near them.

    My time right now is pure and simple right now
    One can say, my time, 'I no longer value it.'

    I, so gladly, would live,
    and I have only remnants of strength
    and less time, than it seemed only half an hour ago.

    Friends hurry, SOS
    If only I will be tomorrow more than I am today
    Take off this weight, .....?, as soon as possible.

    Friends, hurry, I am writing a message,
    give me, what I am losing, give me time,
    Return to me my faith, my love, most of all.

    You can steal even out of my own sleep,
    just give me a part of your time,
    The battle with time I am not wanting to lose this time.

    My time, it is a little like this,
    my time is found in troubled moments,

    I would love to stay alive
    I want to breathe like before,
    and I am still waiting, that surely you will have mercy on me.

    Friends, hurry, SOS
    I just hope tomorrow, I am more than I am today
    Return to me right away my, that which I lost, as soon as possible.

    Friends, hurry, I am writing a message
    Give me, what I am losing, give me time,
    Return to me my faith, my love most of all.

    You can steal me from my own sleep,
    just give me a little more (of my) time
    Together we cannot be defeated this time

    The next time when you are alone and troubled,
    I will give you a piece of my time
    and I will pay you back for your help.
  8. Eleshar

    Eleshar Well-Known Member

  9. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    The metamorphosis of the World (Universe) and the pulse of human hearts

    The first line seems to be fine in English, but more precisely it is something like:

    My time is nothing but a “temporary”.

    My time can say: “I’m not valid anymore.” (Well, theoretically it could be also “I don’t pay anymore”, but I understand it the first way.)


    Hah, Eleshar was faster 8).
  10. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Very cool!! Two interpretations to work with.

    Proměný světa a tep lidských srdci....I like that..deep, profound

    Amended attempt at translation(and americanised). I hope I got the intent of the words.

    The changing,transformation,metamorphises of the world and the beat of human hearts
    and in each small moment a human dies.
    Or is born.
    And always someone is near them.

    My time is fleeting
    My time, it says, ''I am of no value anymore''.

    I, so gladly, would live,
    and I have only remnants of strength
    and less time, than it seemed only half an hour ago.

    Friend, hurry, SOS
    So that I will be tomorrow what I am today
    Relieve me of this burden of mine, this wound, as soon as possible.

    Friend, hurry, I am writing a message,
    give me, what I am losing, give me time,
    Return to me my faith, my love, that, most of all.

    You can steal even out of your own sleep,(I think this means, ˇyou can remove me from your dreams')
    just give me a part of your time,
    This battle with time I am not wanting to lose this time.

    My time, it is only some moments
    my time is under pressure

    I would love to stay alive
    I want to breathe like before,
    and I am still waiting, surely you will have mercy on me.

    Friend, hurry, SOS
    So that I will be tomorrow what I am today
    Return to me my distress(worries), my troubles, that which I lost, as soon as possible.

    Friend, hurry, I am writing a message
    Give me, what I am losing, give me time,
    Return to me my faith, my love most of all.

    You can steal me from your own sleep,
    just give me a little more of your time
    This time we can prevail
    ....(I see you both were stressing the positive rather than the negative)

    The next time when you (yourself) are troubled
    I will give you a piece of my time
    and I will pay you back for your help.
  11. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    I don’t think so. I understand it as “you can steal the time from your own sleep” = “you can save some time by not sleeping”.

    Well done, scrimshaw. Now put it into verses :twisted:, adjust it to the melody :twisted: and you can sing it :D.

    Yes, it’s one of the most common names. “Jiří” is nothing but English “George”.
  12. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    Now, rereading the thread, I noticed nobody explicitly pointed out that the serial story, and the song as well, is about an ambulance.
  13. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Je to proměnijící svět, přátelé.
    Každý den nové srdce začínají tepat poprvé,
    a taky srdce přestají tepat.
    Je to kolo životu.

    Život je drahý a kratký.
    Přátelé, to jsou co hledáme a co potřebujeme.
    Dříme se naši životy tak dlouho jak můžeme.
    Je to tak drahé, že nikdy je nechceme propustit.
    Ale, přátelé, bez smrtu, není žádný život. Smrt je čast životu.
    Všechno má začátek a konec. Je to pravidlo přirody.

    Zat'platpánbůh, ale máme přátelé, a to jsou nám pořád nablízku.
    Jen si chci moct zítra vydechnout jako jsem si byl schopen vydechnout dnes.
    Ale chci říct, že rád jsem byl schopen dnes vůbec dychat.
    Život je darek a všichni je musí nakonec propustit.
    Nidko nikdy neumí ošidit smrt. Jen chceme umřít bez lítosti.
    Ten kdo má přátelé, ten měl dobrý život.

    At' jsem zítra víc než jsem dnes.
    Aby se to stál, zítra záčnu oplatit všechny své dluhy.

    A jsem vděčný, že sanitky nejsou daleko.

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