Names of Czech and Chodsky musical instruments ???

Discussion in 'Movies, Music & Media' started by WKPlamen, Aug 16, 2004.

  1. WKPlamen

    WKPlamen Member

    I was recently in Prague and attended a folklore performance at one of the hotels put on for tourists like me. One young lady played an instrument that some refered to as a dulcimer or, in German, a Hackbrett, but it was larger than anything I had previously seen referred to as dulcimer. I was about 2/3 the size of a card table and quite deep. Also a performer played a type of bagpipe from the Chodsko region of the republic. I guess that is called Chodske dudy or something like that. Then he had a couple of comical instruments, one was just bucket with a leather our rubber cover with some strings hanging out. He wet his hands and pulled on the strings and it made a funny/rude booming sound. The last one was what I think is called in German a Teufelsgeige. It was a 2 meter long pole with a devil's head on top, a set of cymbals and a drum affixed to it. So what do you call these things in Czech?

  2. Halef

    Halef Well-Known Member


    Yes, dudy. Not neccesarily chodske.

    I know the instrument, but not its name...

  3. amraam_7

    amraam_7 Well-Known Member

    I think this is called "Famfrňouch"
  4. WKPlamen

    WKPlamen Member

    Halef and Amraam_7,
    Yes, Halef, your link to Cimbál confirmed that is the instrument I was trying to describe. And thanks for "ozembouch".

    Amraam, your answer was close enough that I was able to google around and find "fanfrnoch". That seems to be the usual spelling.

    I would have never come up with the names without your help.


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