Let's play a game

Discussion in 'General Language' started by Ctyri koruny, Jun 11, 2009.

  1. rsalc1

    rsalc1 Well-Known Member

    Ahoj Katko,
    Napsala jsi ve svém vzkazu odpověď na otázku 'kdo je to?', a tak my neměli jsme možnost odhadnout.
    Myslím si, že jsi pyšná na svoji dceru a miluješ ji velice.

    Hi Katka,
    You wrote in your message the answer to the question "who is it?" and so we did not have a chance to guess.
    I think that you are proud of your daughter and you love her very much.
  2. bibax

    bibax Well-Known Member

    You can always say: "To zní pěkně (or hezky)." = It sounds nice.

    Nový dům, to zní pěkně. = A new house, it sounds nice.
    Vy máte nový dům!? To zní pěkně.

    To zní zajímavě. = It sounds interesting.
    To zní působivě. = It sounds impressive.
    To zní hloupě. = It sounds silly.
    To zní divně. = It sounds strange.
    To zní hrozně. = It sounds horrible.
    To zní hrdě. = It sounds proud.
    Člověk - to zní hrdě. = Man - it sounds proud. (Maxim Gorky)
    To zní lépe. = It sounds better.
    To zní mnohem lépe. = It sounds much better.
    Zní to příliš dobře, než aby to byla pravda. = It sounds too good to be true.

    Kocour jako divoký levhart!? To zní působivě/zajímavě/hloupě.

    zrůda = monster, sport
  3. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    We say “přihořívá” (=it is getting warmer).

    …že jsi na správné cestě.

    We have one single word for both male and female animal.

    I was about to write that quote too. :twisted:
  4. Ctyri koruny

    Ctyri koruny Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the explanation.
    I am so confused now, why was she so adamant I couldn't say it?

    A wait I understand. You can say IT (meaning the description) sounds nice but you can't say that something sounds nice if it doesn't make a sound?
  5. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    That’s the point!

    The verb “znít” could be used only with subjects which are somehow inherently connected with sound (any sound itself, bell, music instrument, shot…). That means also anything potentially said (word, sentence, answer, proposal, idea, description…).

      Nový dům, to zní pěkně. = A new house, that (idea) sounds nice.

    Notice that the pronoun “to” doesn’t refer to the thing itself but to the idea. Hence it is in the general neuter and not in the grammatical agreement with the masculine “dům”.
  6. dzurisova

    dzurisova Well-Known Member

    Well I figured my answers gave it enough away that everyone knew anyway. And yes, you are correct. I am very proud of her and love her very much. :)
  7. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    Je Bella samec nebo samice. To je dobrá otázka. Musím přiznat, že to nevím. :?
    Je druh ptáku, který nemá rozdíl na vzhled mezi samcem a samicí.
    Tvůj odhad je tak dobrý jako je můj.
    Nejlepší, co mohu udělat je odhadnout. A tak dávám přednost myslit, že je samice, když jsme jí pojmenovali Bella.
    Zřejmě jsme se domnivali, že je samice.
    Ale všichni ví, že předpoklady jsou notorické občas špatné.

    Kočka vydala svoje nejmocnější řvání a zněla jako nemocní malý levhart.
  8. rsalc1

    rsalc1 Well-Known Member

    So you say papoušek for both the male and female animal.

    But is not like that for all animals, is it?
    I know that kočka could be female or male cat, but you also say kocour, don't you?
    How about dog: is it just pes, or is it pes and psice?
    How about elephant: is it just slon, or is it slon and slonice?

    Can you explain when to use samec/samice and when to use mužský/ ženský?
  9. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    Oh, I’m sorry, that was ambiguous, my fault. I should use the quotation marks.

    My point was that we have one single word “samec” for the English term “male animal” and one single word “samice” for the English “female animal”.

    Nevertheless, it is true that we use the term papoušek for both male and female parrot. Theoretically, we are able to form a female form (papouštice) but it is informal and rarely used. The common term is “samec/samice papouška”.

    Yes, for a big set of animals we have separate male, female and child form.

    For most of the animals with apparent difference in sex we have a masculine noun which denotes the animal in general or male animal specifically, a feminine noun which denotes the female animal specifically and a neuter noun for the child:

    slon, slonice, slůně
    vlk, vlčice, vlče
    velbloud, velbloudice, velbloudě
    medvěd, medvědice, medvídě
    lev, lvice, lvíče

    Unfortunately, for the most common animals we have irregular forms:

    general, male, female, child, castrated male

    pes, pes, fena (rarely psice), štěně
    kočka, kocour, kočka, kotě
    kůň, hřebec, kobyla, hříbě, valach
    ovce, beran, ovce, jehně
    skot/dobytek/tur (some people use kráva), býk (tur), kráva, tele, vůl
    koza, kozel, koza, kůzle
    jelen, jelen, laň, kolouch

    For the animals without apparent difference in sex, we have typically one single word of various grammatical gender:

    had, papoušek, veverka, šnek, komár, moucha, žába, myš, kapr, žralok

    Still, we are able to construct the corresponding specific form (male form with ending “-ák”). Most of the forms are comprehensible, but rarely used. Some of the “regular” forms are “prohibited” because they lead to confusion (female snake ≠ hadice = hosepipe; female crab ≠ krabice = paper box, carton).
    These rare forms are common in fairy-tales. There you could meet male mouse (myšák; think of Mickey Mouse), male frog (žabák), male/female squirrel (veveřák/veverčice) or even Mr. & Mrs. Parrot (pan Papoušek, paní Papoušková, altogether: Papouškovi).

    samec = male animal
    samice = female animal

    muž = man = male human
    žena = woman = female human

    mužský = masculine, male (only in relation to human)
    ženský = feminine, female (only in relation to human)

    samčí = male (in general biological terms)
    samičí = female (in general biological terms)
  10. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

    osel, oslice, osle
    kur, kohout, slepice, kuře, kapoun
  11. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    And :) pštros s pštrosicí a pštrosíčaty...
  12. rsalc1

    rsalc1 Well-Known Member

    Would anyone else like to play this game? Four crowns, how about you? :)
    I changed Jana's 3rd person plural forms to 3rd person singular... nice exercise, it was!
  13. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    Jak se jmenuje?
    (What is his/her name?)

    Jak vypadá?
    (What does the person look like?)

    Jak se obléká?
    (How does the person dress?)

    Co má rád(a)?
    (What does he/she like?)

    Jaký/jaká je?
    (What is he/she like?)

    Má nějaké koníčky?
    (Does the person have any Hobbies?)

    Má rád(a) hudbu? - Jakou hudbu má rád(a)?
    (Does he/she like music? (what type of music does the person like?)

    Zná nějaké cizí jazyky?
    (Do they speak any strange or different languages? (wanted to ask what languages they spoke))

    Co dělá?
    (What do they do?)

    Jak dlouho má tuto práci?
    (How long have they had this work (lack of present perfect in Czech = mind boggeling) )

    Kde se narodil/narodila?
    (When were they born?)

    Kde bydlí?
    (Where do they live?)

    Jak dlouho tam bydlí?
    (How long have they lived there?)

    Kdy jste se seznámili?
    (When did you meet them?)

    Jak často jste se potkávali?
    (How often did you meet them?)

    Vycházíte spolu dobře?
    (Do you get on well?)

    Hádáte se?
    (Do you argue?)

    Byli jste někdy spolu na dovolené?
    (Have you ever been on holidays together?)

    Co máte společného?
    (What do you have in common?)
  14. rsalc1

    rsalc1 Well-Known Member

    Jana, thanks for correcting the phrases that I overlooked.
    I did the conversion from 3rd person plural to 3rd person singular very quickly and I skipped over afew lines. :oops:
  15. Ctyri koruny

    Ctyri koruny Well-Known Member

    Jak se jmenuje?

    Jak vypadá?

    Má modré oči, a hnedy dlouý vlasy.

    Jak se obléká?

    Má rada hnedé a nevyrazne barvy. Má rada šaty a sukne.

    Co má rád(a)?

    Ráda čte, učí se.

    Jaký/jaká je?

    Má nějaké koníčky?

    žonglovaní, jezdí na kole.

    Má rád(a) hudbu? - Jakou hudbu má rád(a)?
    stastný anebo legrační

    Zná nějaké cizí jazyky?
    Mluvi anglisky, fransouzky, a německy a rozumí irsky.

    Co dělá?

    Jak dlouho má tuto práci?
    Hodně dlouho.

    Kde se narodil/narodila?
    v Corku

    Kde bydlí?
    v Franzii

    Jak dlouho tam bydlí?
    Par dne

    Kdy jste se seznámili?
    ve škole

    Jak často jste se potkávali?

    Vycházíte spolu dobře?

    Hádáte se?
    někdy je moc nespoulečenská a řika protivný věcí. Nevadí ale když je protivná mám strach, že njsme přatele, ale ona všechno zapomenna-

    Byli jste někdy spolu na dovolené?
    ano, v mnichové

    Co máte společného?
    nic moc, trochu hudbu

    myslím je trochu jednouduché představit
  16. rsalc1

    rsalc1 Well-Known Member

    Je žena nebo dívka, bydlí v Francii jen pár dni a nedělá nic.
    Hm, je to tvoje přítelkyně, která nepracuje?
  17. Ctyri koruny

    Ctyri koruny Well-Known Member

    přesně tak!
  18. rsalc1

    rsalc1 Well-Known Member

    Nepracuje... má tedy bohatého kluka nebo manžele?
    She doesn't work... does she perhaps have a rich boyfriend or husband? :D
  19. Ctyri koruny

    Ctyri koruny Well-Known Member

    Ne, myslim že má jenom dluhy! Nevím odkud má peníze ale vím že má francouzské přátele s kým muže bydlet.

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