a Czech song: Indiánská dýmka míru

Discussion in 'Culture' started by rsalc1, Jun 25, 2009.

  1. rsalc1

    rsalc1 Well-Known Member

    Indiánská dýmka míru:
    Another song from my Žlutý pes CD .
    The lyrics are here, and the youtube video here.
    I understood most of the words... it's a sad song.
    I didn't get the words marked in green.

    Indiánská dýmka míru (Indian peace pipe)

    Sedí sám a něco ho tíží, černé vlasy mají kovový lesk
    ruka je pevná v očích klid pár vrásek a na duši stesk.
    Nemá domov, kde by ctil svou víru,
    nemá právo žádat to co by chtěl
    ztratil všechno co mělo svou cenu a všechno co měl.

    He sits alone and something worries(?) him, (his) black hair has a metallic shine
    the hand is fixed in the eyes calmness a couple of lines and on (his) soul nostalgia (I don't get it)
    He doesn't have a home, where to revere/honor his faith,
    he doesn't have a right to appeal what he would like
    he lost all that had its own worth and all that he had

    Nevnímá obzor v dáli, není Kryštof Kolumbus
    cítí jen proužek dýmu a zpívá si skalpovací blues
    žij jak umíš, měj nás rád, vyndej starou indiánskou dýmku míru
    žij jak umíš, měj nás rád, a pak zapomenem co bylo dřív

    He doesn't notice the horizon in ____, he's not Christopher Columbus
    he feels only a streak of smoke and sings to himself scalping(?) blues
    Live as you can, like us*, pull out the old Indian peace pipe
    Live as you can, like us, and then we forget what happened before

    Čte si dál svou stařičkou mapu, vidí řeku plnou vody a ryb
    vedle ní svou překrásnou ženu spousty chyb (what is the subject, verb and predicate of this line???)

    He continues to read his old map, he sees the river full of water and fish
    near it his beautiful woman ________ of mistakes

    Nevnímá obzor v dáli, není Kryštof Kolumbus
    cítí jen proužek dýmu a zpívá si skalpovací blues
    žij jak umíš, měj nás rád, vyndej starou indiánskou dýmku míru
    žij jak umíš, měj nás rád, potom možná zapomenem na sekyru(number? case?)

    Live as you can, like us, pull out the old Indian peace pipe
    Live as you can, like us, then maybe, then maybe we'll forget about the ax(?)

    žij jak umíš, měj nás rád, vyndej starou indiánskou dýmku míru
    žij jak umíš, měj nás rád, potom možná potom možná zapomenem

    Live as you can, like us, pull out the old Indian peace pipe
    Live as you can, like us, and then maybe we forget

    *like us (imperative) as in "please like us", "you must like us".
  2. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    The indigo marks are only for better understanding.
  3. rsalc1

    rsalc1 Well-Known Member

    @wer: once again thanks for your excellent explanation. Yes, the colour-coding is very helpful!

    * Yes, in English you can read a map (I've heard that expression before). 8)
    ** squaw = woman (from the Algonkian).
    Unfortunately political correctness (PC) is making this word forbidden in the US. See here, and here is an example of PC gone mad.

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