Personal Safety

Discussion in 'Travel Tips & Advice' started by Teri, Sep 9, 2004.

  1. Teri

    Teri Member

    Hi, I'm going to Prague in late October. I was supposed to be going with a friend but she dropped out - how safe is Prague for a girl travelling alone. [I say girl, I'm 18 :wink: ]

    Thanx in advance. :D
  2. Sova

    Sova Well-Known Member

  3. sunfireshine

    sunfireshine New Member

    hey there, lucky lady!

    prague is the most comfortable place ive been, possibly ever, and i dont speak czech at all. i went by myself to europe 2 summers ago (i was 19), and stayed in the czech republic for a month.. it was the best thing ive done in my life.

    it's a bit intimidating looking at it from the states, but once you get there you may be happier alone. it means you can do what you want without worrying if shes having a good time.

    honestly, you can do some really ridiculous things and run into any danger in prague. the only thing to fear are the ticket ladies when you have no ticket. also, i was warned extensively of pickpockets on one train in particular which carries many tourists (it is the train to the castle, maybe 22?) ...just keep your things about you! i sewed a pocket into my favourite pair of pants, though i think it may have been unnecessary, it made me feel better.

    when i came back i had a hard time adjusting to the fear and threat of people around me in the usa, land of freedom, where it is difficult to trust your neighbour.
    of course, use common sense, wits, and wisdom.
    always DO (as opposed to not doing), and you will have tremendous memories to keep and stories to tell!
    would love to hear how it goes, my dear. be well and take care.

    ps. i truly recommend walking the charles bridge as the sun rises, this is where the post cards come from.
    love. aerin.
  4. Teri

    Teri Member

    Thankyou very much to all who replied.

    The advice was brill. :D

    Thanx again :wink:

  5. redprint2013

    redprint2013 New Member

    I am going to Prague this weekend alone and will be there for 9 days. Maybe i can tell you my experience when i am back there. Although i am 25.5, there is still something in common i guess, hehehe!!
  6. Teri

    Teri Member

    Thanx Redprint2014 that would be great :)
  7. redprint2013

    redprint2013 New Member

    It was the greatest trip in my life. I left Prague so reluctantly that i am sure i will go back again.
    Regarding safety, i couldn't see any dangerous element. But i didn't wandering along the streets at late night. So i don't know the situation at night. But in the daylight and evening i can be sure it is very safe.
    Since it is hot holiday resort, people in Prague are used to tourists. And they are still very polite.
    It is very convenient to take metro to wherever you want to go and if you are strong enough it's better to go on foot. I also take the train to Karlstejn, which is outside Prague.
    Well, so many nice memories i've got. And i hope you will enjoy your trip there soon.
  8. Teri

    Teri Member

    Thankyou so much Redprint2013. I'm so excited now I can barely wait. I don't suppose I'll be out much at night so I can reassure my mother :wink:

    So so so so so so so so EXCITED!!!!!!!!



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