Looking For "Chalupskys"

Discussion in 'Make a Connection' started by Chalupsky, Mar 17, 2006.

  1. Chalupsky

    Chalupsky New Member

    Hey all- My Papa passed away in Feb. 05 and he gave us all our family name of Chalupsky. I don't know if this is a common name- I've been trying to find out ever since he left us. We know he is from a very small town..I believe the name is Pilzn/Pilsn, anyone with the correct spelling can slap me on the wrist later:) I'd just like to touch base with friends/family if possible- he was the patriarch of our family and without him I feel a deep loss. If anyone has any suggestions please email me at worldspy9@jcybernet.com I know that he had a brother/family still living in the Rep. and also had a cousin in Prague so as stated before any and all help is greatly appreciated.

    Many thanks in advance,
    Rachel M. Chalupsky
  2. gementricxs

    gementricxs Well-Known Member

    I think it's Plzeň (Pilsen), but it's not a small town. Maybe it's some village near Plzeň.

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