don't understand a song completely :(

Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by miki444, Sep 30, 2007.

  1. miki444

    miki444 Member

    o.k i tried very hard, but didn't cut it this time.
    i would really love to understand the song completely, but i have troubles with some words and setneces.
    i will bold what i didn't understand, i hope somebody is willing to help me. :cry:

    Derem' se dopředu zadními vrátky, (don't get it)
    šest a třicet, sedm třicet, osm a třicet let.
    Plnými hrstmi brát, neohlížet se zpátky, (don't get it :( )
    heroická slova - bojíme se zakřičet. (we fear to scream?)

    Jak postřelený voják, který volá o pomoc,
    tragická, magická, utopie zítřka. (what is zitrka ? )
    Včetně vlastní empatie, za sebou spálit most
    a vzájemná nevraživost, bez boje se získá.

    Skromný sentimenty,
    bývaj bezbranný
    a tak si nechte svý argumenty
    právem nestranný.

    Dokumentace, byrokracie,
    sociální fobie a diskriminace.
    Kriminalita, státní parodie,
    utopistická a smutná demokracie.
  2. eso

    eso Well-Known Member

    We barge forward through back gate.

    To take (things) with handfuls, not looking back

    We are afraid to cry out heroic words

    zítřek - tomorrow
    utopie zítřka - utopy of tomorrow

    I don't know this song, but it's probably about generation of people, who are now 36-38 years old.
  3. miki444

    miki444 Member

    thanks :D
    this is a song from "sakumprask" a czech ska band :D
  4. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    I never heard of it too. But I found it on Youtube and put it into the Multimedia section.

    It seems so, but given the age of interprets, it sounds like an “profound revolt of young people” 8).

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