Translation Please

Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by stepan, Mar 16, 2006.

  1. stepan

    stepan Well-Known Member

    I understand some of this, but cannot completely translate it ti understand it:

    V sobotu 9.března zde měl slavnostní přednášku Dr.František Tichý "T.G.Masaryk a Rusko" a vylíčil ho jako velkého rusofila. Také ve škole Sever se konaly oslavy T.G.Masaryka a projevy měli ředitel J.Hejda a Kopecký. Ve středu 20.3. MUDr.Weiner přednášel "O pohlavních chorobách a jejich léčení penicilinem", v sobotu ředitel Pochman "O sovětském svazu" (uváděno s malými písmeny) atd.atd.
  2. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    On Saturday March 9th, Dr. František Tichý held here a lecture "T.G. Masaryk and Russia" and he depicted Masaryk as a strong Russophile. The celebrations of T.G. Masaryk (i.e. birthday) were also organized in the school Sever (The North) with speeches of the school director J. Hejda and Kopecký. On Wednesday March 20th, MUDr. Weiner gave a lecture "On venereal diseases and their treatment with penicilline", on Sunday, the director Pochman "On the Soviet Union" (quoted with lower case letters) etc. etc.

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