what make czech people anxious??? HELP

Discussion in 'Culture' started by manuolda, Apr 29, 2008.

  1. eso

    eso Well-Known Member

    Kibicz, do you have better idea for short name of Czech republic?

    Now even Czech edition of National Geographic is named "National Geographic Česko"

    We say Německo, Slovensko, Rusko, Polsko... Why not Česko?
  2. Zik

    Zik Well-Known Member

    Well, I spoke about Bohemia, not about Bohemia and Moravia. Of course those who live in Moravia hate the same, but I was to lazy to write „Czech Republic“. The religious situation is in Moravian part of the Czech Republic other, because there is more Christians. Of course they also don't like missionaries, but it's not the same... :wink:
  3. kibicz

    kibicz Well-Known Member

    ČR? such as US or SAR(JAR).. reminds me discussion about calling USA citizens "Americans" . Čechy is fine with me( I am "Čech" not "Čes" ) and in formal issues I would use "Česká republika" anyway...

    May be but I still use "Atlas České republiky" when I want to find something.

    Moravsko?:) Anglicko, Americko, VelkoBritansko or Francouzsko*..

    *this is what "Česko" is - part of adjective we can see in "Československo" "francouzskoněmecké zvtahy" etc..
  4. Alexx

    Alexx Well-Known Member

    Dr. Železný used to say: "Čechy, Morava a Slezsko, to je naše Česko"

    Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia, this is our Czechia. :)
  5. GlennInFlorida

    GlennInFlorida Well-Known Member

    Frank Lloyd Wright (among others) used to suggest that we call ourselves "Usonians" over here - :shock:
  6. BlackBox

    BlackBox Active Member

    Because it was for the most part part of Prussia. The central europe is mostly defined as former Austro-Hungary and Prussia (and of course the rest of Germany, that wasn't part of Prussia).
  7. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

  8. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

    This is, may be, the real reason why so many people are not happy with "Česko", it is considered as crippled "Československo" 8)
  9. Petr_B

    Petr_B Well-Known Member

    Well, it's just one of the reasons, it's true that the word "Česko" looks like an unwanted child born from The Hyphen War (Pomlčková vojna).
  10. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    The definition of Central Europe is arbitrary, but Czech Republic figures in all meaningful definitions.

    The problem of westerners is they have minimal knowledge of Central Europe and thus they tend to use terminology based on the Cold War which is the only they know.

    But this is unappropriate as all other definitions based on short-term events (ie. all politically and economically based definitions are wrong). We need a constant definition (e.g. a geographical one) or a very slowly changing (e.g. a cultural or religious one).

    In addition, the communists always respected the traditional definition of Central Europe, so the western Cold war terminology is different from the eastern one.

    Czechs have no need to adopt the western terminology and are outraged by it, because the terminologic shift to the east is not in accord with recent political shift to the west.

    “Česko” is derived from “český” which is modern form of the ancient form “češský” which is regularly derived from “Čech”. “Čechký” is nonsense.

    The word “Česko” is quite old, but its original meaning was identical with “Čechy”.

    „Velkobritsko”, když už.
  11. Alexx

    Alexx Well-Known Member

    What about "Spojenékrálovskovelkébritánieaseverníhoirska"? ;-)
  12. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    took me a little while to get that last part

    of northern ireland

    I tried to look up a word 'hoirský' :shock:
  13. Alexx

    Alexx Well-Known Member

    Spojené království Velké Británie a Severního Irska :)

    Not Hoírska
  14. Anna683

    Anna683 Well-Known Member

    Hoírska/Oírska sounds quite... well ... Oirish. :D
  15. Alexx

    Alexx Well-Known Member

    Just for information - czech names of EU states:

    Belgium - Belgie
    Bulgaria - Bulharsko
    Czechia - Česko
    Denmark - Dánsko
    Estonia - Estonsko
    Finnland - Finsko
    France - Francie
    Ireland - Irsko
    Italy - Itálie
    Cyprus - Kypr
    Lithuania - Litva
    Latvia - Lotyšsko
    Luxembourg - Lucembursko
    Malta - Malta
    Hungary - Maďarsko
    Germany - Německo
    Netherlands - Nizozemsko
    Poland - Polsko
    Portugal - Portugalsko
    Austria - Rakousko
    Romania - Rumunsko
    Greece - Řecko
    Slovakia - Slovensko
    Slovenia - Slovinsko
    United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - Spojené královstí Velké Británie a Severního Irska (United Kingdom - Spojené Království, Great Britain - Velká Británie, England - Anglie)
    Spain - Španělsko
    Sweden - Švédsko

    Other states:

    USA - Spojené státy americké (abbreviated as USA)
    Switzerland - Švýcarsko
    Russia - Rusko
  16. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    What about little Andora in the Pyrenes Mountains?
  17. Petr_B

    Petr_B Well-Known Member

    That's nothing, my father still rants about how he hated the mandatory school subject "Religion" (which at that time was Roman Catholics teachings) pretty much every time I visit him. And he went to school well over 60 years ago. :lol: But again, he's a very anti-church and religion (any church/religion) person.
  18. Alexx

    Alexx Well-Known Member

    Andorra is Andorra :)

    It is not member of EU, despite they use €€€ and have EU sings on roads when comming in. Charming little place, I have been there in February, high hills around, La Vella in a valley with couple of streets and a lot of shops, I have been told once it is the shopping basket for Spain and France, because of its low prices (as I saw, cigarettes at least).
  19. Petr_B

    Petr_B Well-Known Member

    On that Eastern vs Central Europe issue, I've just come across this:

    Eastern Europe countries according to United Nations:

    It seems that as far as the UN are concerned there's no such region as Central Europe, just as there isn't "Central" amongst the points of the compass. So, from a purely technical viewpoint, there's nothing wrong with saying that the Czech Republic is in Eastern Europe.
  20. McCracken

    McCracken Well-Known Member

    "Pedant's Corner" :)

    Geographically, Europe stretches east-west through 70 degrees of longitude from Ykaterinburg (60.5 degrees east) to Cabo de Roca in Portugal (9.5 degrees west). That means that the halfway point is at 25.5 degrees east, which is in the (western part of) Ukraine.

    Thus, geographically the Czech Republic could claim to be in the western half of Europe!!

    The Czech Republic is definitely in the central third (and still looks central on a map containing just the EU member states).

    NB: This would take the UN many millions of man hours to agree upon. It took me 5 minutes :)

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