(SP->CZ) Trabajo como informático.

Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by bibax, May 23, 2009.

  1. bibax

    bibax Well-Known Member

    Pracuji jako ajťák.

    Ajťáci se dělí na šroubováky, programátory, dráťáky a kravaťáky.

    Ajťáci (ajťáks) are divided in the following groups:

    šroubováci ("screwdrivers") - for technical/hardware support
    programátoři, vývojáři - consist of two main subgroups: "real" programmers (machine code, assembler and C) and the pie eaters "pojídači koláčů"
    systemáci - for system/software support
    dráťáci ("wirers"), síťaři - for network support

    and finally, above them all, there are: kravaťáci - IT managers

    Judging by the picture Alex must be kravaťák. :)
  2. rsalc1

    rsalc1 Well-Known Member

    Very funny :lol:
    I could not find the word ajťak in online dictionaries, so I am afraid to use it. It may mean something nasty :wink:
  3. bibax

    bibax Well-Known Member

    No. It is very innocent.

    This IT slang word ajťák is derived from IT pronounced aj tý in Czech. Try to google it.

    Kravaťáci are something like a white collars (= bílé límečky) with a tie (= kravata).
  4. rsalc1

    rsalc1 Well-Known Member

    Thanks. I googled it and found this:
    "ajťák" (rozuměj "pracovník v IT") 8)
  5. rsalc1

    rsalc1 Well-Known Member

    In the company where I work, the kravaťáci wear neither bílé límečky nor kravata, so they don't act like typical IT managers. :D
  6. Alexx

    Alexx Well-Known Member

    bibax: Good definition :)*

    I will consider myself to be someone between "šroubovák" and "systémák" :), kind of little bit of all. Officially the description is "IT Specialist" or "(Internal) IT Helpdesk". Similar work as you know it from IT Crowd (however we have no "have-you-tried-to-turn-it-off-and-on-again" tape, yet).

    By the way, this photo of mine is originaly intended for my recent ID and driving licence, I am really not into suits...

    I would just add "Security" guys (most bothering group for all the others).

    *) Could you specify "pie eaters"?
  7. rsalc1

    rsalc1 Well-Known Member

    Alexx, how can I say in Czech "I am really not into xyz"?
  8. bibax

    bibax Well-Known Member

    Pojídači koláčů (pie eaters) are programmers who use only high level development tools with a graphic interface like Visual Basic or Delphi. They never encountered something like command line or line editor, not to mention machine instructions and punch cards.
  9. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    And how do you call the programmers who mostly use paper and pen, sometimes some high level development tool (like Matlab) and sometimes some obscure low level language (like Fortran)?
  10. Alexx

    Alexx Well-Known Member


    What makes you think fortran is low level language?
  11. meluzina

    meluzina Well-Known Member

    punch cards!! i remember those - job decks - and if someone managed to drop the deck, it was loads of fun putting them into the right order again :( actually sort of funny, when i was at university (in the early 1980s) we were taught about punch cards in the "history of computers" course and told that we would be very unlikely to encounter them - the first "real" job i had afterwards, when they took us on a tour of the computer room, i was quite amazed when i found out i would have to learn how to use one - not to mention removable disk packs - but to be honest, they helped keep me in shape, as lugging 2 of them, (about 6 kg each) gives one quite a workout :)

    silly question, but somewhat related - are mainframe programmers now a thing of the past? i sort of switched career paths and never bothered to keep up with what goes on
  12. bibax

    bibax Well-Known Member

    I think mainframe programmers still exist. They work in the banks where COBOL is still in use. Maybe Alex knows more. If you know Cobol you can switch your career path again.

    Recently I red somewhere that a scientist from a university in S. Carolina needed some data collected by the Martian probe Viking. He filled a form and sent it to NASA. After several days he received a package with magnetic tapes. :lol:

  13. rsalc1

    rsalc1 Well-Known Member

    Yes, mainframe programmers (in COBOL) still exist in banks and in the home office of some large retail stores.
  14. GlennInFlorida

    GlennInFlorida Well-Known Member

    I guess I am getting old...

    First computer I worked with (in1963) was an IBM 1620 using Fortran and punch cards. No mouse, no screen, a typewriter sized keyboard, and a "high speed" impact printer completed the set up. :roll:
  15. meluzina

    meluzina Well-Known Member

    1963?? one year before i was born ;)

    i was actually hired as a pc programmer (dos) - i remember trying to learn to use a mouse a few years after that - i had a hard time getting accustomed to it to be honest

    they added mainframe programmer to my assigned job list about 5 months afterwards due to someone leaving and they didn't feel like hiring anyone new - and it was trial by fire - it was towards the end of year - with many strict deadlines - the particular software package i had to work on was primarily in cobol - and i was the only one at the bank that had any cobol experience whatsover - i had to learn the other language that was used - it was ncr's assembler-type language called neat/3 - i wonder if that's still around? that was the period of time i had to learn how to use a keypunch machine, tapes, and the mountable disk packs - the bank did end up purchasing an ibm mainframe a few years later - i was the systems programmer for that for a while - but i didn't really enjoy it, as there was very little programming - being i knew assembler, i ended up working on those applications that need to access the system a bit more than using straight cobol applications - sort of the bridge applications between the system and the applications - although i did quite a bit of cobol programming as well... i haven't looked at cobol or assembler since about 2001 though - wonder if it's like riding a bicycle?
  16. bibax

    bibax Well-Known Member

    First computer I worked with was a Czechoslovak (partly Bulgarian) clone of the famous American minicomputer PDP-11 (Digital Equipment Corp., Maynard, Mass., now extinct). The imitation was so perfect that we used the American sofware without any limitation. We used it illegally without a license, of course. It seems that the Iron Curtain had some (doubtful) advantages and certainly there were holes in it. I must admit that our computer was not too reliable.

    The picture shows the original from DIGITAL, Maynard.

  17. rsalc1

    rsalc1 Well-Known Member

    Pracuji jako ajťák. (Jsem pracovník v IT).

    Podle definicí bibaxe: :)
    Jsem hlavně programátor a vývojář (programmer and developer) ale jsem také pojídači koláčů (pie eater because I have done some work on VB) :) Občas jsem také systemák (software system support) ale vůbec nejsem kravaťák (IT manager). :lol:

    bibax: Do you consider web developers that use an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to be pie eaters?
  18. bibax

    bibax Well-Known Member

    Jasně. Kdo nikdy nic nenaprogramoval v assembleru, není opravdovým programátorem. Dnes jsou všichni jen pojídači koláčů. Včetně výrobců koláčů. :)
    Ani nevím, jestli se dnes ještě něco programuje v assembleru. Možná nějaká část jádra OS (core).
  19. Alexx

    Alexx Well-Known Member

    Probably yes, some one-purpose chips, where memory is small and program inside must to be as efficient as possible so the whole chip can be very fast.

    I only had one semester of assembler, we were working in some cpu simulator... I will rather eat pie till the end of my days than this :).
  20. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    In comparison with Visual Anything, yes, it is low level language.

    I have no semester of assembler, but I still use it time to time for frequently-called procedures.

    I don’t see assembler as something magically transcendent, but as the most extreme and the most unsophisticated brute-force method of programming which exists. And it is annoying. An elegant algorithm implemented by the pie eaters is worth of more respect than any stupid algorithm written in assembler. For me, the strict assemblerists are dirty brickmakers.

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