(EN>CZ) Stop!

Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by garykemble, Mar 21, 2006.

  1. garykemble

    garykemble New Member

    As in, stop what you are doing.

  2. gementricxs

    gementricxs Well-Known Member

  3. calculations

    calculations Active Member

    i was just thinking the other day how that should be added to locallingo in signs/emergencies
  4. Ruzete

    Ruzete Well-Known Member

    I had a question, on the word stop- I have heard it said as pshe sto, thats how its pronounced, I think I heard it off the movie Koyla where she is telling him to stop the car so she can get out. Is this also mean stop?
  5. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    I'm always confused by English transcription of Czech pronunciation :D.
    Maybe, "pshe sto" is "přestaň" as gementricxs wrote. But this means "stop YOUR activity". It is not possible to use it as in "stop the car" (we say "zastav" in such case). My second idea is that "pshe sto" is "přistav (mi to tady)". I'm not sure how to translate this word, maybe "draw near" or "stand/place (near)by".
  6. Jana

    Jana Well-Known Member

    Another possibilty might be "přistaň" (land on), used un colloquial Czech in the sense of pull in.
  7. Ruzete

    Ruzete Well-Known Member

    Oh, that could be it, I am not sure it just sounded that way to me! and I know in Polish Pshe stein is how you stay stop it. so i thought that could be why they were close

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