Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by highseat, Jun 19, 2007.

  1. highseat

    highseat Member

    How do you say this in Czech please?

    I've been busy.
    I will be be busy.
  2. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

  3. dzurisova

    dzurisova Well-Known Member

    Isn't that a more accurate translation? I know my teacher told me that Czech doesn't really have the saying "I've been busy" or "I am busy" so I'm sure it's hard to translate. Could you say "I've been very active" and "I will be very active"?
  4. Karel_lerak

    Karel_lerak Well-Known Member

    I don't know any more accurate, which is really used.
    "zaneprázdněný" is in this context rather precise, but, as i said, bookish
    I will be very active ... I'll be busy
    budu mít moc/hodně práce
    budu mít (moc) co do činění (not very common)
    budu mít napilno
    budu mít (v příštích dnech) co dělat, (takže se ti budu moci věnovat až za týden)
    nebudu mít čas

    similarly in the past

    sometimes we use the english word "busy" also in czech phrase

    budu teď pár dnů "busy", (pronounce "bizi" 8))
  5. dzurisova

    dzurisova Well-Known Member

    Interesting. So if you were to write in czech and used the word "busy", would you spell it as "bizi" or "busy"?
  6. Alexx

    Alexx Well-Known Member

    If I would say "busy" in czech, i would spell it as "bizi" - english way.
    If you would say "busy" spelled "busy", it means "buses" in czech.

    But I would only use it if the person who I am talking with is familiar with this word.

    Maybe I could add one more translation into czech: "Mám dnes nabitý program".
  7. highseat

    highseat Member

    Sorry,but I didn't mean busy as in work!

    So maybe 'Mel jsem moc prace' etc, isn't what I meant!

    Maybe 'rušný' should be in the sentence somewhere!

  8. eso

    eso Well-Known Member

    And what kind of busy is it then?
  9. eso

    eso Well-Known Member

    Maybe then:

    Neměl jsem čas.
    Nebudu mít čas.
  10. highseat

    highseat Member

    Maybe it's better but ,'Nemel jsem cas' means 'I didn't have time'.

    What I mean is 'I've been busy' -

    It's like 'I've been doing this and that' or 'I've had lots of things to do lately and I've not had any time' ,etc.

    I hope this makes it a little clearer!
  11. eso

    eso Well-Known Member

    Well, if you have to do some things, it's work, if not, it's fun ;)

    I'm afraid, that if you looking for ideal Czech equivalent for "busy", you are out of luck. :)
  12. meluzina

    meluzina Well-Known Member

    one i often use, and have heard others use, although i think it is more informal, but might fit certain situations is "Nějak nestíhám" = basically, "i just can't seem to keep up with things (that i have to do)" - that could be "busy", or not?
  13. meluzina

    meluzina Well-Known Member

    hmmm i've been thinking about what i say in similar contects in both languages - in english, if a friend calls and i don't have time, i'd say "sorry i'm busy right now, can you call me in an hour?" - in the same situation in czech i'd say "Momentalně nemám čas. Můžeš mi zavolat za hodinku?" - so even though the literal translation is i don't have time, it's used for busy... (??? does that sound reasonable ???)
  14. highseat

    highseat Member

    It's getting a bit better!

    But,for instance-
    I didn't call you because I had no time.(protoze,jsem nemel cas)
    I didn't call you because I had lots fo work.(protoze ,jsem mel moc prace)

    I didn't call you because I was busy!

    What I'm trying to say is maybe-

    I didn't call you because I had lots of things to do!
    So maybe it is something like (forgive my sillyCzech). (protoze,jsem mel moc veci co delat).

  15. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    There exists an accurate translation with the help of an idiom:

    Nezavolal jsem ti, protože jsem byl v jednom kole.

    v jednom kole = busy (lit. in one circle)

    But as for every idiom, don’t overuse it.

    And don’t be scared of the word “práce”. In Czech it simply means anything you have to do (things to do = práce).

    Nezavolal jsem ti, protože jsem měl moc práce.
    Nezavolal jsem ti, protože jsem toho měl moc (na práci).
    Nezavolal jsem ti, protože jsem měl moc věcí na práci.

    And a modal verb could be often sufficient. You can simply say:

    “Nemohl jsem ti zavolat.” instead of “I didn't call you because I had lots of things to do!”


    “Teď nemohu/nemůžu” instead of “I’m busy right now”
  16. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    How about this one?
    Ted' nemůžu, už mám plný taliř.
    I've already got a full plate.
    Maybe it doesn't translate so well to czech, but it's a loose expression for I've got lots to do.....no room for anything else.
  17. eso

    eso Well-Known Member

    Sorry, in Czech plný talíř is really only "plný talíř" :)

  18. scrimshaw

    scrimshaw Well-Known Member

    To je krásný plný talíř.
    Nech mě, abych se domńival.
    Vepřové s uvařené zelí a knedlíky v nějaké chutnéu omačce.

    Some expressions just don't work. Probably they sound odd to the ear.
  19. highseat

    highseat Member

    Nice one!
    In English we say -

    I can't do it right now because I've got a lot on my plate.
  20. GlennInFlorida

    GlennInFlorida Well-Known Member

    What an awful thing to do (post that wonderful picture of a full plate) - I was just sitting down to my "to-go" box from the company cafeteria - saw the picture and had to throw my lunch away :wink:

    BTW - down here (scrimshaw may concur), we sometimes say "I can't do it right now - I'm up to my a** in alligators."

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