
Discussion in 'Culture' started by sunshinecookie, Jul 25, 2008.

  1. in the CR is the male dominant? or is it more equal? so for people who live in czech what do you think? or does it depend household to household?
  2. wer

    wer Well-Known Member

    You should look for older threads before you start a new one. :wink: 8)

    Here, for example.
  3. chinchilla254

    chinchilla254 Member

    Hello there, married Czech lady speaking :) I think it all depends, there are some very traditional families (eg when my dad wants dinner, he tells my mom, she makes it, brings it to him, he eats it, often says "thank you", leaves, then mom takes the dishes back to the kitchen and washes them...). But most families are not like that. Luckily, my husband doesn't expect me to be like my mom. I wouldn't say he's a domineering kind of guy, we make all decisions together.
  4. chinchilla254

    chinchilla254 Member

    PS: Sunshine, are you doing a survey before choosing a husband? :-D
  5. oh im sorry i did look on the front page adn there wasnt any, i guess i shoudl have looked a bit farther. hehe. and no im not looking for a husband i was just curios, thx for your answer.
  6. Anna683

    Anna683 Well-Known Member

    :? Your dad sounds like mine, apart from the bit about asking for his dinner (he wouldn't dare) and saying thank you (he's fed very well, but rarely expresses any appreciation).

    On a more serious note, I had heard not only that Czech men tended to be "traditional" in their attitudes towards women, while also having a tendency to be unfaithful, but also that there was a bit of a problem in CZ with domestic violence. Was wondering how much truth there was in any of that?
  7. chinchilla254

    chinchilla254 Member

    Unfaithful?? Now that would be an interesting topic for an international survey, I'd be so curious about the results but they say it would be hard to carry out because men tend to tell more then really happened, and women less...
    Domestic violence, to be honest I don't know. Maybe it all depends on your background? Eg most of my friends are people in their 20's/30's with Uni degrees and none of them have ever complained to me about domestic violence, but if might be really different in working-class families or in families where people don't go to work at all...
    Who told you Czech guys were unfaithful and there were problems with domestic violence? Is our reputation in the world that bad?
  8. laylah

    laylah Well-Known Member

    Hi Chinchilla,
    don't know about Anna's sources of info. but I read the following in "Czechs in a nutshell" by T.B. Englund(journalist and writer living in Prague since 1993) According to a survey by the firm TNS factum

    "- few other countries can boast a more liberal attitiude towards marital infidelity........Czechs, on one hand, consider life in a happy family to be of the utmost importance. On the other hand, they tolerate - and conduct - marital infidelity to an extent that is matched globally only by the Bulgarians and Russians".

    He then suggests that this might be down to a utilitarian attitude to marriage arising from economic circumstances in the communist era.
  9. Anna683

    Anna683 Well-Known Member

    According to the book "The Czechs in a Nutshell", "few other countries can boast a more liberal attitude towards marital infidelity", and it was from a couple of Czech women (with university degrees) that I heard that there was a problem with domestic violence.
  10. Ctyri koruny

    Ctyri koruny Well-Known Member

    Name one country that doesn't have a problem with domestic violence?
  11. kibicz

    kibicz Well-Known Member

    Pakistan? Iran? ;-P
  12. dzurisova

    dzurisova Well-Known Member

    Uh oh, another disgusting offensive joke. :roll:
  13. kibicz

    kibicz Well-Known Member

    maybe but seriously they dont have any problems with it - they just dont bother...
  14. dzurisova

    dzurisova Well-Known Member

    I think it's more likely that there appears to be no probelm of DV in those countries because the state officials don't see it as an offense or DV when a man physically punishes his wife or relative. Whereas in some other countries, it is an offense and considered DV.
  15. kibicz

    kibicz Well-Known Member

    Thats what i meant.
  16. Ctyri koruny

    Ctyri koruny Well-Known Member

    Muhammad: "Do not hit God's servants" (here referring to women). The narration continues, stating that some while after the edict, "Umar complained to the Messenger of God that many women turned against their husbands. Muhammad gave his permission that the men could hit their wives in cases of rebelliousness. The women then turned to the wives of the Prophet and complained about their husbands. The Prophet said: 'Many women have turned to my family complaining about their husbands. Verily, these men are not among the best of you."

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