quick translation help please!

Discussion in 'Vocabulary & Translation Help' started by Lauren313, Nov 24, 2008.

  1. Lauren313

    Lauren313 New Member

    I need to know how to say "it goes on" in czech. If a few people could help me out with this so i know i get it right!

  2. milton

    milton Well-Known Member

    Hey Lauren,

    I would try:

    to pokračuje (lit. translation.. it advances.. it progresses)

    I hope this translation helps.

  3. milton

    milton Well-Known Member

    Hey Lauren..

    if 'to pokračuje' doesn't work.. I might alternatively try:

    jde to... (it goes (not by vehicle))
  4. Lauren313

    Lauren313 New Member

    OK. Thanks fr the help! Would "Jedna se o" work? What does that mean?
  5. fabik317

    fabik317 Well-Known Member

    no, it wouldn't, "jedna se o ..." means "the thing/matter/whatever in question is ..."

    btw, milton, "jde to" means something along the lines "it's not bad" (an answer to "how are you"). "it goes on" could be (in some contexts) expressed as "jde to dál".
  6. Lauren313

    Lauren313 New Member

    ok how would you say it goes on. The context is not matter how bad things get, IT GOES ON

    Thanks again!
  7. fabik317

    fabik317 Well-Known Member

    "to pokračuje", as milton said.

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