Roles of Men and Women

Discussion in 'Culture' started by skate007, Mar 28, 2005.

  1. skate007

    skate007 Active Member

    Hi everyone, I was just wondering what the roles of each sex are in the Czech Republic? Also, what kinds of chores/everyday tasks are the Children required to do or to help with? Thank you for your help!
  2. probinso

    probinso Member

    Well, I am not an authority on the subject, but my friends who have more experience living in CZ than I do are of the opinion that the women do pretty much everything -- i.e. they do all the housework, feed and raise the kids (and husband), *and* work full-time outside of the home.

    I'm curious to hear if any of the Czechs agree, or if my friends just have bad attitudes :?
  3. Karel Fous

    Karel Fous Well-Known Member

    Fortunately we are not such impact of whole world movement of ematipation of women, but we are not so great drones as it looks from probinso's input.
    Generally the rule is traditional = women cares about "warm of firesite" and men tries help them (unfortunately not everyone). Men are longer at work and jobs, women have very often "second shift" at home - pick up children from school, distribute them to further lessons, courses, sport clubs, boy scouts..., make smaller shopping (now ussually bread, milk, fresh meat...), cook some supper, clean house, ironing, wash etc.
    But a lot of women have good position or make their career, so men help with house works a lot - care about children (from age 4 and older, younger are for many men problem :lol: ), cooking, shopping, wash, rare also ironing.
    It is very dificult answer in short input, because the life is very different as many the people are different. May someone other answer also different, but I move among people (friends, colleagues) which do it in this way.
    Fortunately the typical new outlook at dividing of roles at society as we can see at west (both we are same, we must have same chances, we will do same things as other gender (=sirs), it is not bussiness to care for family etc.) is not very widespread at CR, however some fans it has. The Czech version is - we are right to have same chances, but we are not same. Lets share the duties half to half, depending by job.
    Very briefly, very simplificationing = very outspoken. Not easy answer more enlightenly.
    Karel :?
  4. skate007

    skate007 Active Member

    Thank you so much for the replies! I have too have heard that the women in the CZR are SUPER-WOMEN! Because they do so much; with work and housework. Are the Children expected to do daily Chores? If so what kinds of things do they do. Thanks again!
  5. Karel Fous

    Karel Fous Well-Known Member

    The most often duties (chores) are: taking out a garbage, wash and wipe utensils, clean their room (keep order in there), small shopping (bread, rolls, butter, yoghurts etc. Bigger one usually done family on weekend at stores or shopping malls). I case bigger age difference it yould be also care about younger siblings (wide depends of age both).
    And at the end a correction:
  6. skate007

    skate007 Active Member

    Oh, I am sorry my fault! You have helped me so much! Thank you!

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