HELP!!! Cesky Krumlov!!!

Discussion in 'Travel Tips & Advice' started by vsmello, Apr 1, 2005.

  1. vsmello

    vsmello Member

    Hello everyone!! I´ll be in Prague about april 19th. And I pretend to stay there for 5 days only. But I still have a doubt: I pretend to go to Cesky Krumlov, but I don´t know wich option is better: Go from Wien to Krumlov (and stay there for 1 or 2 nights) and them to Prague, or go directly from Wien to Prague and make a just a daytrip to Krumlov?? In this case wich is the easiest way to get to Krumlov?? By train or by bus??
    I´m looking foward to the answers becouse next friday i´ll be on a flight to Munich!!
    Best regards,
  2. evian

    evian Well-Known Member

    For your reference, In English we say "Vienna" not Wien. :wink:
    OK....In my opinion, I would choose to go Vienna - Prague and day trip to Český Krumlov. But it depends on your mode of transport (car, train etc.). There is much to see on the route of Vienna - Prague, and if there are regular stops on your journey, it would be very enjoyable. This is because the route travels through Moravia and South-East Bohemia and passes the city of Brno, which has much to offer for tourists.
    I think the best/most efficient way to get to Český Krumlov from Prague, is to catch a train to České Budějovice (North-East of Český Krumlov) and from there, catch a bus to Český Krumlov.
    Anyway, enjoy your time there!!
  3. meluzina

    meluzina Well-Known Member

    as vitor intends to stay only five days if i understand correctly, i don't think it is sufficient time to do as much sightseeing in souther moravia as the region actually deserves

    for the trip to cesky krumlov, it think it is better to take a day trip there from prague - for the sake of efficiency, there are direct autobuses that travel from prague to krumlov - on workdays there is one leaving prague at about 7 a.m reaching krumlov at approx 10 a.m.
  4. vsmello

    vsmello Member

    Hello. Thanks for the answers. I think is better to go directly to Prague, and make a daytrip to Krumlov. As Meluzina said, i don´t have much time to go south Moravia, becouse after Prague I´ll go to Berlim, Leipzig and Munich again, to return to Brasil. I guess the trip (to Krumlov) by bus is faster then by train, becouse the high number of stops. Meluzina, where can I take the bus that you mentioned??
    Ps.: I think I have misused the word "pretend" in the first message. Sorry. I mean "intent".
  5. meluzina

    meluzina Well-Known Member

    here is the link to the bus route - i hope it works? ... 63&s2=3706

    otherwise the bus leaves at 7:10 a.m. from Bus Stop No. 2 at the Na knížecí bus depot (which is about 2 streets away - 5 minutes walk) from the Smíchov railway station - there is also a metro stop there but i am not that familiar with prague myself, so probably someone else can give you better advice
  6. vsmello

    vsmello Member

    thanks again.
    Now I´m sure to make the trip by bus. It´s really faster then by train, about 2 hours or more. You help me so much.
  7. canisbrutus

    canisbrutus Member

    Olá Vitor

    Estive a ler as respostas com atençao e acho que vou fazer alguma coisa parecida. Vou estar em Praga de 11 a 17 de Abril. Nos últimos tres dias queria dar uma volta fora de Praga, antes de volltar a Lisboa.

    O meu maior problema é o cafezinho! será que há um bom cafézinho em Praga ?

    Bom... depois te digo .

    Que há de interessante em Krumlov ?


  8. vsmello

    vsmello Member

    Patrício Canisbrutus!!

    Se o seu maior problema é o cafezinho, você está bem.....Realmente ainda não tinha parado para pensar no "problema" do cafezinho....Não sei se existe o nosso cafezihno, mas há de ter aqueles coffee shops, com seus expressos, capuccinos, mocaccinos, etc....Quanto à Krumlov, trata-se de uma cidade medieval absolutamente preservada, com um dos castelos mais lindos da Europa. Dá uma pesquisada no Google, que vc vais encontrar fotos e a história de Krumlov. Abraços e saudações aos irmãos lusitanos!!
  9. Carmilie

    Carmilie Member


    If you are a hostel staying type of tourist I would recommend staying in Cesky Krumlov for a little bit. It is a wonderfull place for backpackers. Mia mae who is also brazilian used to have a hostel there. Too bad we no longer live there or you could have stayed with us. I hope you enjoy your visit no matter what you decide.
  10. canisbrutus

    canisbrutus Member

    Oi Vitor

    Pode acreditar que a falta de Cafezinho, com creme e bem curtinho é mesmo um problema sério para alguns. De manha só depois do cafezinho (ou da "bica") é que o pessoal comecar a funcionar decentemente. É um verdadeiro vicio. Refeicao sem cafezinho no fim tambem nao fica completa. Quando andamos fora de Portugal é uma crise!

    Quanto ao Castelo acho que vou mesmo até lá, deve dar para se ficar um uma ideia da Republica Checa e ver algum diferente. Os nossos Castelos estao mal preservados, os nossos vizinhos espanhois deram alguma luta. A maioria sao de origem arabe, mais antigos que Portugal. É o caso do Castelo de Lisboa, Sintra e todos da regiao sul.

    Amanha é o último dia por aqui. quando voltar conto como foi .

    Tenha uma boa viagem.


    NB: este site nao suporta caracteres portugueses

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